
Flavor-ade has some amazing PR people.

Wallace, you snitch ass bitch.

Can you imagine if your life’s work amounted to being a sports yak guy in Cleveland? Fucking suicide would have to be an option, right?

But not Dudley. Poor Dudley.


Which was my point.

I read the shrimp cocktail story before. And now I read it again, with gusto. Loved this blog and will miss it sorely.

I don’t get why a homicide in Indianapolis would make national news, and especially not with some of the other things going on right now. I’m honestly baffled at that. Why would someone in, wee let’s just say, San Antonio care about this story? I don’t get the teeth-gnashing. It’s a sad story, but I’m sure there are

Right, but I have trouble seeing why a murder in Indianapolis would draw much attention in NYC.

Just posted something similar. You’re spot on.

Reading this article is so bizarre. I live in Indianapolis where this happened. And I can tell you the dialogue here has been EXACTLY the opposite. There’s been saturation coverage and the police most certainly haven’t begged for help. The Star assigned a team of its dwindling supply of reporters to cover it, even

I don’t like wrestling. It’s silly and too grotesque for my tastes. But hey, who am I to judge? But a few years ago I ended up taking a client to some type of wrestling show. I came away with two thoughts: (1) wrestlers are great performers, and that noise about it not being “real” is really beside the point when you

Well, we know how this story ends....

I feel shell-shocked reading these. If my wife or I heard anyone saying this type of crap to my daughter, someone would be getting a stabbing!!!!

Which is all beside the point of whether a YA audience should be reading something like ASOIAF. I’m not saying Hunger Games is Shakespeare, but it has the gall to explore dark areas of human nature and conduct without talking down to the reader.

So you think a young adults novel that dives into things like the merits of torture, the nature of propoganda and whether it’s ever moral to use it, and the effects of war (including the PTSD of its female lead) is “wafer-thin”? Give me a break. You can’t compare novels written for teenagers to ASOIAF. It’s a robust,

Jesus I can’t wait for the Jennifer Lawrence hysteria to stop. She plays her persona, not characters, in every freaking movie. She made her scenes in American Hustle virtually unwatchable.

This food is fucking.

Love the fact that the way Huertas tries to recover puts him even further away from the play.

I didn’t know what that meant. I googled. And I am now very grateful. God. Damn. That is a dunk.