
Works like a charm.

This thing is no good. I have read reviews on it and it does not crisp/char the top of the pizza like a real wood fire oven does. Here is the DIY solution I came up with after a little research. All you need is a Weber grill, aftermarket thermometer, 4 bolts to raise the grill surface, a pizza stone, some wood chips,

Until the tips on these things are pen-like rather than have a radius like a dull crayon, they will continue to suck.

True dat! I look at backlit screens add damn day long. When I am taking a break to read, I want a different format. E-ink or paper for me please.

I know what I am doing, trust me. There are a number of channels that ar in fact HD but they pre-stretch the old 4:3 shows to fit the screen. Infuriating.

Shit do I know it. I worked on a Taco Bell ad that we shot in 16:9. I was it run on an hd channel and the dumb bastards center cut it! Black bars on the sides in HD. Dumbasses.

Yup, not funny. People killing themselves is never funny.

If I have to look at one more #$&@ image that is stretched or zoomed in or cropped, well I don't know what I'll do, but it won't be pretty. Can we please finish our transition to 16:9, already? Fuck 4:3. Fuck it with a large horse cock. Every GD channel should be 16:9 by now. All those grannys with their digital

As an owner of a Dodo Case please heed my warning and add a screen protector to your device. If dirt gets on the inside cover flap, and it will, it tends to lodge there, and scratch your screen. Alternatively, you can glue a thin piece of felt to the offending flap and all will be good. This is a great product

I have spent time with J Allard on 8 different occasions. On each occasion we discussed anything but tech. His fascination and dedication to the process of creativity is astounding. Had this product come to market, it would have been a game changer. Not in the "our new thing sold more units than your new thing" way,

Dear Slashgear, phones aside, please note how long YOUR page takes to load on a cutting edge smartphone. Wake up your webmaster, or unplug his XBOX and tell him to get his shit together. 25% of all web browsing is done on mobile devices.

area_educator, dinner is at 7pm. You are invited.

My dog pees. My dog pees on my bag. I don't want pee on my bag. $200 solution that looks classy, I like. If you think I am a jackass, don't come to my house and eat my wife's awesome cooking, and don't ask me for VIP tickets to Coachella.

Uh, actually, a non-native English speaker's Achilie's heel is their thick accent.

Fine with me. I'd rather find out first how much better the 4s is than the 4. I can always scoop a 4G iPhone on Craiglist and be contract free until the iPhone 5 comes out. I still can't believe that they did not release a 4G LTE version. They should have let me decide if battery life is an issue. I turn of my

Why the F hasn't Blackberry figured out that if they are going to attempt to retain/entice non-enterprise customers, they are going to need to introduce cloud syncing for us regular peeps. Android and Apple have it in spades. As a long time BB user, I am sick and f-ing tired of connecting a cable to sync contacts and

I am working on keeping my phone out of the bedroom.

And the poop bag is see through because why?

Yeah, some asshole was "filming" the entire Kanye West performance at Coachella with one. I have to remember to pack a straw and a paper towel for spitball sniping next time one of those shows up at a concert.

I am a Blackberry fan and user, but the build quality of their top of the line Bold makes me want to slap Mike Lazaridis.