
Right? I love how the article makes it seem like he came up with this idea.

Incorporating knowledge from 30 years ago is deemed "innovative", huh. Douglas Trumbull had it figured out a while ago. []

I love iA writer, thank you for the recommend.

If they are going to make a "big" store, lets hope it is filled with lots of different things. Most Apple stores I have been in have a lot of the same thing in them. I love the plethora of peripheral items, cables, adapters, etc that I can find in store fronts like MacMall in Santa Monica, or Tekserve in New York.

People, really, stop it. There will be no Verizon iPhone 5 in June.

You hear that RIM? Maybe it's time you add "kwanzaa" to your spell check dictionary.

I was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium over the holidays, and among all the people shoving there cameras and iPhones up to the glass to take pictures of the sea horses, was a dude doing the same with his Samsung Galaxy Tab. It was not hard to see the near future with multiple t(ech)urds "taking pictures" with their

@jms: sorry, their links don't seem to copy/paste. If you go to and put Dassault Rafale in the search area, the image will pop up. I originally just Google image searched the plane, that is how I found the source image.

@RigAudio: Hahaha, that is way funny.

Dear UPS, there is a shipment of dog balls you are set to deliver to my house on Wednesday. Please open the box and suck on them.

This is as impressive as the Grade School Jokes app.

This only proves the point that more people need to tweet less.

Who are these poor people that were subjected to this project. I thought maybe it was shot in a jail using prisoners, but there are men and women together, and the locations are far too nice. My mind is boggled.

@Lex Steers: I'd be tempted to put my Blackberry Sleep Cap on my dog over night.

Computers allow us to work at home.

How about a Airport Extreme with Airport Express iTunes capabilities?