
Those files are terrific, right? I work in SketchUp all the time and will find these super helpful.

This is the best review of the 787 ever!!! I have read nearly everything on the internet about the plane.


Amen. I have the $100 version of this and it is awesome. The battery life on iPhones is horrible. Why do I want another gadget slurping power. Some of these peripherals remind me of TV's with VCRs built in, and not in a good way.

I just had a look at my past Verizon bills and see that I sometimes exceed 1GB. I do not stream much at all, but am a constant news reader, and look at a lot pf photos for work. With the new tiered pricing I am looking at $50 for 1GB or $60 for 2GB. My current unlimited is $30/month, and my lady's phone is $30/month.


Haha. I feel the same way. I posted Sam Biddle's "Don’t Be a Jerk With Your Cool New iPhone 5" earlier this week on Facebook, and today he is being just that (journalistic integrity aside).

Sam, did it have to be you posting this "First Impressions" thing. Say it isn't so! I loved this post of yours from earlier this week. Journalist thing aside, the irony, the irony.

Good post Jamie. I think that once everyone gets a taste of Verizon's LTE, they will end up consuming a lot more data while they are away form WiFi. It's like an event where the first 3 drinks are free then you have to pay. But 3G is to alcohol, like LTE is to crack cocaine. "I'll just watch a few minutes (insert

Heads up. Looks like the clean HDMI output on this camera is slightly cropped.

Good call on 32 GB. To your point, when I bought my 4S I opted for the 16 GB. I saved a few bucks, and I have fewer files to manage when the storage fills up. For the 5 I may go 32.

Thank you for doing the math for Verizon customers. I have been working on a way to justify paying full price for the phone to keep my unlimited data. Verizon LTE is crazy fast!

It's like drawing with a dull crayon.

If they really want to make economy less crappy they should make the seats as wide as the ones depicted.

No. But I would pay Gizmodo/Gawker $30-50 a month for ad free websites : ).

I know they are for adults, and not for children. Problem is it looks like a toy. No responsible parent would hand them to a child. But a toy is a toy. If they can hurt or harm, they should be regulated or banned.

Boy do I love Carpenter's version. I remember seeing it in 1987 at my friends house via his fathers satellite dish (back with they were bigger than hot tubs). I had seen only still fro the film prior to that in my mom's Time magazine. I watched this during the day, and it scared the hell out of me. The visual effects

Gizmodo, you confuse my tiny brain. Here, you promote a handy thing that protects kids, but just yesterday you posted the following

I agree that there is the potential for people to go "ban" crazy. Everyone should be free to do what they want so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. No Buckyballer wants to harm children. However, given the nature of the product, those that are too young to know the difference, or think for themselves, the product

"In the complaint, the CPSC said the products - which come in containers containing from 10 to 216 small magnets - might cause major health risks if swallowed. Children under 14 may place the magnets in their mouth or adolescents and teens might use them to mimic cheek or tongue piercings, accidentally swallowing them.