Still, he made the sort of money that it would be pretty difficult to spend.
Still, he made the sort of money that it would be pretty difficult to spend.
Dear commenter who sounds very much like my wife,
Not gonna lie, I was totally thrown for a loop when I read “digitally penetrated”... thankfully I kept reading.
They disagree with his supposition that each and every case should be thoroughly diagnosed prior to prescribing medication/hormones, as well as disagreeing that desistance very real and evidence supported. The easiest thing I can relate it to is the very beginning of climate change science, Singal is on the “climate…
Things I haven’t heard in AA in the 14+ months of my sobriety:
As a current subscriber to the philosophy of AA, I’ve never once heard someone say that “one drink and you’ve just thrown away 6 years of sobriety”. Nor does anything in the big book or the steps say anything about throwing away your sobriety if you relapse. Every meeting I’ve ever been too, and I go to between 3 and…
They did not, but I’m sure that’s not surprising to any of the crowd here. I’m sure they all believe the only reason there are even single fathers out there is because they’re lying shitheads who duped the courts, couldn’t possibly be a decent one out there.
Is this a free update? I can’t find any details from the very minimal effort I put into looking for them :/
“(prosectors say he was served 18 drinks of an 82-minute periods)“
You’re right, I was basing my response to you on the quoted text, which was out of context, my mistake.
I agree 100% with your original premise, but stand behind it, the implication is obvious, you don’t have to use the name Trump when you say “this country is being run by someone with pretty much the same values as this guy”.
Well I’ll be a bunny’s uncle...
If he was straight, white and identified as his birth sex... you’d have no idea who he was, guaranteed
I am open to the idea that maybe I have this all wrong but from what I can tell there’s a guy who voluntarily called himself “TotalBiscuit” who not only wants people to take him seriously, but whom people now look up to? For what?
Where it fails the litmus test for sexual assault is when all of his accusers gave consent prior to said sexual act. Verbal consent, after being asked if he could masturbate in front of them. You can have disdain for his abuse of power dynamics, or lack of morality asking for sexual favors in the workplace, or a…
Nice work moving the goal posts, but that’s not what was being discussed. Not to mention making your follow up argument omit the race card completely, job almost well done. Stay the fuck on topic. This is about your assertion that white males are responsible for rejection related mass shootings... get back into the…
Aside from the two white men who’s motives were clearly rejection related, and the one Asian man who’s motive was clearly rejection related, please site all the other mass shootings where it’s clear that white men are the trend for rejection related mass shootings. Otherwise, your sample size is laughable, and your…
As opposed to the TWO white guys making it a trend? gtfo
The Virginia Tech Shooter would like to have a word with you. Maybe stop with the generalizing. Seriously... it dilutes the conversation.