But you evidently missed the fact that she considered their present living conditions inhumane. You, of course, believe the father had a god-given right to abuse the kid...
But you evidently missed the fact that she considered their present living conditions inhumane. You, of course, believe the father had a god-given right to abuse the kid...
A bit of irony, what with the fact that you started all this commentary with a terrible hot take and refused to reply to people... and then went on replying and digging the hole deeper...
I expected nothing less than this
In some form or another... yes... yes they do. Does every hungry mouth always get fed? No, obviously not, since we haven’t solved the problem of world hunger. But does every country, on this planet, have some form of welfare/food stamp/provision support, whether it’s their own country or some other coming to it with…
Uhhhh.... yeah I do. It’s called a food pantry or WHEAT or a soup kitchen or a million other names for the places where people who can’t afford food, get food... for free.
You’re oozing insanity...
So, while I can completely agree she was mislead, I can’t bring myself to call this a scam. Your reaction to this, if it were you, could only be one of two things. “They fucked me” or “I fucked me”. Honest introspection should lead you to the latter, given that you (obviously she in this case) freely signed your name…
Oh, I thought that’s what they said to her, that was in the contract?
Due to issues with our account system, players on PS4 will be unable to login for an additional period of time.
1) Brakes*
Commission or not, your job, as a salesman, is to sell as much for the company as possible. Whether that means more money for you or the ability to keep your job, it doesn’t make a difference. Just because you don’t work on commission doesn’t change the fact that employers have sales targets. All of them.
Your first mistake was trusting a salesman to tell you what you need... it’s their job to upsell, and most of them don’t give a flying fuck if that involves twisting the truth, down to outright lying.
It’s not cynical, it’s pretty spot on. To use just plain numbers as an explanation, if your server can handle 10 people, and you expect concurrent rates at peak times to be at most, 9 people, but the first few days it’s actually going to be more like 40 people, it’s a huge waste of money and resources to either buy 3…
So what you’re saying is you see no difference between someone saying “I go to this place to rape” or “I go to this place to simulate rape”? You also don’t see the difference between labeling someone as an activist against the simulated rape of sex toys being normalized and someone who believes simulated rape of a sex…
I was implying, poorly, that mobile was the burner account for a high level Sony exec
Feel free to do some research on implicit memory, implicit association, social influence, social cognition (to an extent) or any number of other psychological and social psychological phenomena regarding our subconscious’s ability to color our decisions without us ever even knowing. Or, you know, just keep yelling…
You’re right. It’s much LARGER of a “thing”. How many more eyes are on the actual article text compared to some inane comment in the comments section? Furthermore, a comment that, at it’s most basic, and if it were stated more eloquently, has actual scientific evidence supporting it. I’m not saying that someones…
This is so well stated it’s getting me choked up. Have a star.