Mark Carlson

Based on Cozmo’s language, it doesn’t sound like that’s their intent. It sounds like rare bounties will either drop along with the step, or will drop more often, which is helpful, but some of the rare bounties are absolute slogs in their own right, so you need double RNG, 1st to get the bounty, and second to get a

In general, when someone says they take cream in their coffee, in the US, it means half and half, which is half heavy cream (full on cream) and half whole milk (“full fat” milk). Creamers, on the other hand, is an entire swath of possibilities, be it dairy or non.

They did, it would have been nice for the article to have provided that information is what you should be lamenting. It’s version 4.33.0 fyi

So what you’re saying is, not only do you want the economy to take a dump, but you want it to dive even further? Do you realize what this will do to everday people, not the uber wealthy? You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face. Jesus.

Did you see those villagers? They were ON FIRE! How much more appropriate could the phrase “heated gaming moment” be?!

Did you really dismiss my completely valid reply to you? Wow.

“a feeling of self-consciousness, shame, or awkwardness”

I’ll start my comment with an apology. I should have been more clear. Yes, the article sites other times where video games specifically were the impetus for threats, however it never specifies what the main reason for this round of death threats that ultimately caused the event cancellation were. You’re welcome to

You can paint my comment however you like, it’s far from aggressive. For context, some lunatic decides to levee death threats against a developer, and OP takes the stance that gamers, as a whole, need to calm down. If you’re willing to generalize an entire populace because of the actions of an incredibly small subset,

Sadly, given his reaction in this scenario, I feel like the answer is yes.

I did, did you? The article said exactly ZERO about the threats being made due to video game related anger. You can assume that’s the case, but then again, you could also assume video games engender violence, regardless of the studies that support the contrary.

Fantastically shitty take. I bet you share facebook posts about “video games cause violent tendencies” too

Have you seen facebook comments? That’s not exactly anonymous, and it’s occasionally a worse cesspool than 4chan

Agreed, but I stand by my point that the internet has made it almost impossibly easy to level a threat against someone. It now has to be (should be? Usually is?) taken seriously, when it could be an 8 year old without any means whatsoever to carry out said threat.

More common somewhere else or not, prior to the advent of the internet or not, the internet hastens someones ability to deliver a death threat to someone else. You’re focusing on a small part of the bigger point, which is the internet has made it easier and faster for anyone, anywhere, to throw out a deadly threat

That sounds like the logic of a staunch 2nd amendment advocate

In OP’s defense, are you intentionally ignoring how the advent of the internet has made it overtly easy to deliver said death threats, where prior there had to be more tangible effort in delivering said death threats? Also... likely a tongue in cheek comment.

It’s rare that I read a comment on the internet and think “I wish I was as intelligent as that person”. Congratulations. Honestly, I wish I had the intelligence to be that deeply thoughtful.

Your virtue signaling would come across so much cleaner had you not assumed the artists gender. Hint: It’s not HIS work

Is this an artistic statement?