
anybody notice nobody is factoring in the fairness to the daughter…. given she is the one being murdered?

It probably is a training problem (which is difficult when the average lifespan of a GCPD cop is about 2 weeks), they need to taught that after the first few hundred rounds bounce off the villains weird gettup, go for the uncovered bits.

The costume was important as it forces a precinct full of cops to become distracted by intense disgust with the costume and shoot him in the armor instead of the head. I don't blame the cops as they're all no more than 3 weeks on the job… given that a villian walks through the front door of Gotham PD every 3 weeks and

Im not the one that read sexual politics into this episode. I know fucking over a frat boy is one of the true few pleasures in life, but when the bro returned the favor to save his career its hard to cry sexism. Better to blame that male chauvinist pig Laurie for promoting a man over a woman.

"Unfortunately, that career is now held back by one of the ugly truths for women in tech industry: no matter their skills and qualifications, there’s always a less talented man willing to sacrifice them for their own gain"

Jerome is fantastic. Heath Ledger is obviously in there, but the mix is right. In fact he ups the crazy a notch or two, i dont know how.

50 dead male throw-away characters is a statistic, one dead ex-girlfriend character is a tragedy.

I suspect if you researched the Red Shirts of television history, they would be overwhelmingly men.

Thats absurd. You just arent processing the mens deaths I expect, which, well, exactly.

I had that EXACT conversation too. My wife asked me what i'd do and i said i'd clonk her over the head and put her in the car and not stop until we hit a state line.

Shorter review- i believe more in the ghosts than that the people seeing them end up behaving like the behave. No real people would hang around after any of these things, much less all of them, much less… hey whered the kid go, we told her to go play alone in the murder house.

I agree. But you dont have to rant about it.

Must be true if its all caps.

The wildlings took Castle Black and captured the main Watch garrison in a fell swoop, no place for them to hole up. The other castles on the wall are days away.

Id read that.

Castle Black isnt defensable from the south, by design. The keep was held by Davos, so the garrison was trapped.

Trying to secure control to prevent the kind of thing from happening that happened.

So he wanted him back to pal around with?

Its not like they actors are trying to stop slapshots or hit curveballs.

Two characters that are supposed to have 1 eye both have two eyes. Producers afraid of eye patches?