
It was a rough day.

This bothered me too. Came way out of left field. Why does Davos even particularly care? It would have been far better to take a page from Thoros' book and have him accidently revived in his funeral rights.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Great review, this is almost exactly how I felt. Not great, if there were more episodes i'd be glued to them though, so what are you gonna do?

I read that as Mulder intentionally left the ap on his desktop to be found by Skully. Anything else is too ridiculous. Of course its ridiculous the FBI couldnt pin point one of its agents cell phones in about 3 minutes when necessary, but hey.
Bingo on the chemtrails. Even conspiracy nuts think chemtrail nuts are tin

Totally! And then the guy backs up, like, oh, I was clearly in the wrong, you had the right of way driving down the sidewalk running for your life, where as I was just running for my life cutting into the line of traffic. My bad.

So many little things were done so poorly. Like Scully driving on the sidewalks and between cars in a huge end-of-the-world traffic jam. People do that crap on a normal run of the mill traffic jam and end up jamming up the shoulders just as bad. You think the other million people playing escape from DC wouldnt be

100% true, but dick metaphors are rock standards, almost requirements. But you never SAY dick, thats just lazy.

Fair enough, however:
1) at least it was original.
2)i dont recall Lennon ever directly referenced his dick.
3)enough said about the rampant misogyny.
4)ok, so maybe thats cherry picking, lets hear Kanyes transcendent lyrics. All ears.

"And she grabbin' on my dick like She wanna see if it'll fit right"

I know there was an episode review wedged into that survey course on rape but i must have missed it.

That's assuming Ramsay's main (or only) motivation was to intimidate Balon Greyjoy.  I'd argue Ramsay is just a sick f^&* and what better way to mess with his relations than to send the that present. Really no downside for Ramsay. Shorter: he did it for the lulz.

The first 30 seconds of Ron and his computer were the funniest part of the season so far (which is saying something). Jerry/Gerry was priceless, Aprils testimony, the transcript of Chris jumping was awesome, and anytime you can see a pawnee painting in the background you know its going to be a great day. A little up

Put me down as a big fan of this episode. Worth the price of admission just to add hang dong and thundergun in my vocabulary. I have literally used thundergun as a verb at least 5 times since last night already.  I also loved the Frank boat bit, it was just surreal to see the horrified faces of the tourists when the