The nurse said they’d pray and when that didn’t work the Doctor said it was up to God.
The nurse said they’d pray and when that didn’t work the Doctor said it was up to God.
Not buying a vehicle that bricks the entire infotainment system the moment I cut the cellular antenna wire. Either give me Android Auto, or give me the old-school Double DIN hole so I can put something worth a shit in the vehicle.
If they’re going old school, I’d take a double DIN head unit so I can swap it out with one with Carplay/Android.
Times have changed since 2008, anything fairly recent is subject to emissions and does have a cat. For example the current Super Cub: “The outward appearance of the muffler - one of the many elements of the Super Cub’s ‘mythology’ - stays the same while the internals are re-worked; two catalysers were in place on…
This being Virginia, and unspoken narrative also goes something like this: The locals don’t have the edumucation or training for those jobs anyway, so it would likely mean the jobs would go to “newcomers” from, gasp, Northern Virginia, or “the north” generally, who would drive up housing demand and have smarter kids…
I bought a Polestar 2 this year and it’s a D2C setup. No haggling, no add-ons, no markups. I ordered my car and did my credit application online, test drove the car at the showroom, and I think I had to lay down two or three wet signatures before driving off with the car two weeks later. It was the only pleasant car…
Car dealerships are bad. Motorcycle/ATV dealerships are worse.
It doesn’t but here’s where reading comprehension helps.
We are a Diet Pepsi house and we have found Diet Sam’s Cola (Walmart’s store brand) to be a close approximation. All other diet store brands taste like garbage.
Well Greyhound and Amtrack coach are for those who don’t have the $$ for airline tickets. I don’t want to force them to deal with these 3-drinks over the limit idiots too. I feel like most alcoholics on Amtrack can hold their liquor better than the people who get roaring drunk on planes.
The TSA has been nothing more than security theater for their entire existence.
Yeah, holy crap. Is this the level of automotive expertise and insight we should come to expect here? To me, this issue is so fucking...basic? What next, a story on wipers that move at different speeds? YOU’RE USING YOUR WIPERS WRONG PEOPLE!
Jalopnik’s latest round of hires are all from the BuzzFeed School of Journalism and couldn’t tell you the difference between news and clickbait. Gone are the days of Doug DeMuro and numbered are those of Torchinski and, you know, writers who write things we actually want to read. Sadly we’re all here because…
I think we should all chip in and buy this property for David Tracy to store his Jeep collection and start a museum.
Positive Earth sounds like an annoying hippie jam band.
I’ve got no scruples and a WaPo subscription, so here ya go:
A woman who was a former graduate of the school attended the basketball game and posted a picture of the flag hanging on Facebook with the following quote: “What culturally proficient educator has a ‘life’ size Nazi flag in their tool kit and then has the audacity to hang it OVER THEIR CLASSROOM WINDOW IN THE FRONT…
THIS. This is the undisclosed side-effect of tipping culture. We’d all be better off if wages were built so we’d never have to tip again.