Mark 2.0

I remember those pictures, you see her in a wedding dress, but that doesn't mean the wedding actually takes place. I'm wondering how they'll handle this, I just can't see this wedding taking place with Mulroney leaving the show…if he is indeed leaving the show. I guess in theory he could do Shameless and the CBS show,

There is no show without Fiona, the marriage won't take place, Mulroney is leaving the show for a new show at CBS.

Yup, that as well. I was kind of relieved in the end that he was just a perv.

I got a real serial killer vibe off of him as well.

I love the symbolic aspect of Fiona removing Carl's cornrows, taking charge again and not being gentle about it. Lip's storyline is a series low, like something lifted from a late night Cinemax series for the 1990's.

The Lip story line really is lame, it's like the plot of something you would have seen on Cinemax in the 1990's.

Dermot Mulroney has been cast in a new network show (CBS), so it looks like Sean may be on his way out of Fiona's life.

I think Alex's film is going to be a HUGE flop and that is going to be a big part of his character's development over this season and the next.

Not in Europe and not as complex as that one.

Brett and Alex's friendship is my favourite relationship on TV right now, but Alex and Tina are a close second.

You said the following earlier, "Most of these instances were gratuitous and wholly unnecessary to the plot." Accusing actors of doing gratuitous nude scenes is an "attack" on their artistic integrity and on them personally.

"cast and crew of Shameless has no reason to feel disrespected," I'm sure they're grateful for this bit of info. To see Shameless through the prism of its sexual content, which over the course if twelve 50 minute episodes, can't amount to more than 10 minutes total airtime out of 600 minutes of drama is

GofT seems to be pretty misogynistic when it comes to sexuality, I don't think Shameless could ever be accused of the same.

I'm not sure that's saying much, GofT comes of as pretty adolescent when it comes to sex.

You are deliberately misrepresenting what people said. I read the transcript of that conference you referenced, all three defended Shameless's sexual frankness.

If Fenn didn't want to do the nude scene, she should of passed on the role. Interesting fact, she wasn't their first choice, she was brought in as a replacement because the original actress, Kelly LeBrock, wasn't working out.

The real problem is there are two many characters and many of the storylines are uninteresting. Frank's character hasn't added a thing to the show in years and I say this as a HUGE Macey fan.

No idea about Fenn, but Alexander has said she was totally cool with it. Link to it or it's not true.

I thought the scene with Sean picking lice out of Fiona's hair was actually really very sweet and yes I know how bizarre that sounds.

Sex is an ongoing part of a healthy romantic relationship, why should they suddenly stop showing it? As long as the actors (male and female) are cool with it and it isn't done in a cheap or exploitive way, which I don't think Shameless has ever done, then they should just use it as they would any other dramatic tool.