Cursed Mark
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As a mental health professional just starting my shift this morning, I’ve grown to appreciate the difficulties he’s had in doing his job.

The Obvious answer is Count Fenrig, and that is the educated geeks guess, but it could really be anything, it could be someone in the court, but if its a named character, the money is on Count Fenrig.

Cool. Or you could move on? And not watch them?

Eat my ten year old pussy.

It’s not. I think it’s just an opportunity for us all to pat his ass and say “You’re so brave.”

“this is the Democrats' fault" was a take I somehow never expected yet here we are, I guess.

He’s in Lake Tahoe - 18 feet per year.

Funniest thing I saw today was a Demoocrat yelling, (in chambers no less!), “Stop the steal!”

Statement from David Zaslav:

But they have strategies for vertical brand integration!

Just bring back the goddamn cartoons you soulless monsters.  

You shouldn’t look up the Reno, Nevada snowfall of 20 inches annually. The Renner ranch is outside of Reno up the mountain where the annual snowfall rises dramatically to between 100-220 inches a year.

Thanks MR. COLLEGE. What's next, suggesting fact-checking and editors? 

i wanted to say he was the worst part of Whitney, but that whole show was equally the worst part.

Not John Smith, John Rolfe.

Her father should have held out for a complete set of cookware.

If Jeremy Renner surviving being run over by a tank blow says anything, it’s that there is a God and their favorite Avenger is Hawkeye.

I did a full 5 hour binge of Hawkeye over Christmas. (It gets better on repeated viewings and I found myself more forgiving of some of the side plot goofiness.) The first time around I didn’t pick up on the in-joke where Clint and Kate are constantly using bags of freezer food on their bruises. The toy store/warehouse

Yeah, my Looney Tunes Golden Collection DVDs just got bumped up to #2 on the list of things I’d rescue in case of a fire.

Physical.  Fucking.  Media.