Cursed Mark

I hate to be this guy, but I read the initial sex between Rhaenyra and Cole as effectively involving coerced consent on Cole’s part (ie not consent at all), and his later attempt to marry her being his way of coping with having broken his vows of chastity (ie, if it was a grand romance than it was somewhat

I’m just glad they didn’t change one of them! Back in the early seasons of Game of Thrones they didn’t think their audience could wrap their minds around there being an Osha and an Asha. So they made up the name Yara for Theon’s sister.

A considerable % of Kaling’s career is re-doing someone else’s work.

A middle finger to The Venture Bros and the 25 other animated shows MAX canceled in favor of this crap that no one likes.

Coyote Vs Acme gets canned but they still push out Velma S2. WBD really hates its audience

“Harley Quinn (a show in my ever-expanding queue)“

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

I gotta love this article for trying. Velma still sucks, but at least this time it KNOWS it sucks and says “fuck you” to the people who say it sucks.

So you spend the entire article telling us the multitude of ways the show fails in every aspect of it’s presentation, admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war, (One of the few pieces of content they DO agree on), and yet still feed us the same old tired, “Unjustified condemnation

This feels like one of those things where a show or movie that barely anyone watches “raises a middle finger to its haters” to give the impression that anyone is actually still talking about it. I haven’t heard anything about this show since like the first week it came out.

I guess I’m not in my right mind. This is a marketing move. Maybe girls will buy a female Silver Surfer action figure. There was nothing wrong with having a black Johnny Storm, either...except it didn’t make sense. Stuff like this is decided in a board room. It’s not art.

This kind of discounts how it is exactly like other bad movies.  Poor writing, zero common sense, bland characters, etc. etc. 

Reminds me a bit too of when Bruce Willis made Die Hard. The man was known as a romantic comedy lead from Moonlighting and it was deemed a huge risk to put him in an action movie that Sly and Arnold had turned down.

We can take this back to Michael Keaton playing Batman

Well having The Mandarin show up in Iron Man 3 didn’t stop The Mandarin from showing up in Shang-Chi. Maybe it unnecessarily shuffles the characters’ backstories, but I don’t see how it eliminates a character outright.

*hurls DVD of “Blue Crush” at you*

All right, I think I’m ready to say goodbye to the “X is a (mostly) good show” review headline construction. At some point it just comes across like you're hedging your bets.

one of the strangest decisions i’ve ever seen was ‘we must destroy the new scooby doo movie, but we can’t possibly deny the world mindy kaling’s take on the characters’

What do you expect, for Mindy Kaling to write a character who isn’t a self insert in some way?