Cursed Mark
mark-t-man much snark here. The descriptions of the injury sound truly awful, like injuries he could never fully recover from if he survives. And it sounds like he was just trying to help people out. Feel horrible for him.

I think my eighth grade class watched this... in film strip format. So there was definitely some toplessness going on and well-place hair/hands if I recall. Even as a 13 year old, i recall thinking “why the f are they showing us this in school?”

Yay Dig and Wally!

Yeah, how strange to want to be able to drive out of your garage and onto the roads

Oh god, Are we retconning Condi Rice into a black girl magic boss bitch?

Yeah all the people talking about the GOP suddenly getting so bad with Trump are just not remembering all the war crimes that the W and his co conspirators perpetrated not even 20 years ago.

Yep:  Fuck football, let’s talk about her part in 250k civilian deaths in Iraq.

Oh god, Are we retconning Condi Rice into a black girl magic boss bitch?

I really find it hard to give a single solitary fuck about any of this.

AKA Men paid obscenely for playing a game.

This is the same Woman who said the January 6th insurrection was no big deal and we should just get over it.  Another reason to hate the Denver Broncos.

I think people should be mad that someone who supported a fake war is being offered a job and not a court hearing. 

Ah the smell of fake innocence trolls. Shoo. 

But there is NOTHING really comparable about Musk and Bron aside from them both being rich CEO’s.

I saw the movie just last night, and I’ve already forgotten everyone’s names again. Hell, when one of the sons died, I had no idea which one it was.

I’m one of those people, but I don’t believe that “nobody cares about Avatar”, clearly it’s doing well. What I believe is that it never had the cultural impact other billion dollar movies had. It was, aside from it’s superb use of modern digital technologies, rather forgettable. 

The scene of them all arriving at the dock was actually a super great way to give us a perfect summary of the character just by showing their mask usage.

Yes. Johnson’s movie proposes the theory that all the self made tech genius billionaires are neither self made nor geniuses. The timing of the movie’s release and Musk’s Twitter saga is coincidental, but if Johnson’s theory was indeed correct the odds that *some* tech genius billionaire was currently stepping in it

How about “read a book about Nazi Germany AND stop talking about it”?

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