Cursed Mark

Or go to work for Disney/Marvel instead.

Ugh. The image to these old farts jerking it to headless cheerleader nudes is more than I needed to deal with today.

Doublemeat Palace? god yes, it was bad. But then there was all of the Super Hero/Villain sex  to offset the storyline and the ‘Big Bad’ ended up looking like a giant penis. Whedon loves to play with cliches - but often in ways that screamed “See? I’m a feminist!!”

It’s mostly just one of the more convenient targets for people’s problems with all of Season 6, where Whedon later admitted he liked each individual idea of dark, depressing stories so much that he didn’t consider maybe they shouldn’t ALL be happening at the same time.

That episode is terrible.

They always praised her for “finding her mark (and knowing where the light was).

“Of course, I benefited tremendously so didn’t need to say anything.”

The Tudors seems like a lifetime ago.

Bitch Hunter might be the only thing that would get me to watch TLC.

I agree.  We know this character in and out after a zillion movies and comic books.  It’s ok to acknowledge that and move on.

If "more character development" means yet another goddamn Thomas and Martha Wayne death scene adaptation then I'm happy leaving the character undeveloped.

I just didn’t think the plot was very good and the Riddler’s whole ending plan in the arena was nonsense.

Nah mate, The Flash’s Michael Keat.

This was the realistic outcome. It would’ve been nice to have Cavill, Gadot, Affleck, etc. get a final send-off movie, but that’s not how the industry works. And another decade is a long time to keep them on. I don’t blame Gunn, I blame the previous regime for their mismanagement that got us to this point.


I’ve always thought of solo-Batman as basically being a different character from the Justice League Batman who hangs out with Superman and is always fighting alien and extra-dimensional threats.

The main problem for me was that it relied too much on familiarity with the characters in prior iterations”

My main issue with any superhero movie is they tend to do the opposite and explain everything to us we already know. 

 Narrated by Michael Keaton. 

Variety and THR generally don’t fall for that kind of crap -- and cut off sources that try it. That’s why they’re Variety and THR.

It’s honestly quite refreshing that Gunn seems to be cutting through the bullshit wherever possible.