Cursed Mark

ugly dork filled corner of the internet"

WW84 was average as fuck and such a disappointment.

I can’t believe you’re doubling down, after the warm reception your previous comment in the same vein got. 

Are we talking the same Rachels Dratch, or from different multiverses? 

Just tell your kids to stop being stupid little assholes and pay attention for once in their fucking lives.  

Adults put very little stock into other adults telling them what is appropriate entertainment for adults. I pay my mortage, I can watch exactly as many blue cat people movies as I want.

Aliens was pretty gay 

I remember when the A-grade around here used to mean something! Which is to say, we never saw one.

My dad was very matter of fact “adults want to see mature films with adult humans in them”

“Everyone treating this film as though it’s a contemporary of films like The Fabelmans and Tar”

I’m gonna watch this on my cell phone in about three months and then decide if it’s a good movie. 

You really just hate being alive, don’t you?

He also did a collaboration with Tim Booth from James-Booth and the Bad Angel

Only technically maybe. The Superman = Jesus was jammed into that movie to the point where it became less subtext and more regular text.

LMAO! Okay, I’ve come around on you and your bizarre Steven Colbert-esque parody comments. This utter bullshit was genuinely fun to read ironically.

Fuck off, you Russian trollcunt.

Stupid sexy Colonel Sanders.

Superman is interesting when he’s allowed to be a fun, confident three-dimensional person and not a mopey chew toy to be repeatedly killed and turned evil. I think filmmakers need to realize the Superman as Christ metaphor well is dry. They forget he’s just a kid from Kansas.

At the grocery store I worked at 20 years ago we occasionally got complaints that condoms were just available on the regular shelf instead of locked away somewhere. Imagine a world where anyone can just go into a store, buy condoms, and have sex almost immediately afterward without anyone else knowing or judging them.