Cursed Mark

Because he’s a fucking piece of shit moron who would be more likely to give Putin a literal rim job than to actually stand up to him? Oh, you thought you had a good burn?

Yeahhhh, no comrad. 

This is my fault, guys. I wished for Wonder Woman 3 on the magic wishing stone and the wish is going wrong in annoying ways.

One thing I like about Gunn, he doesn't let shit fester.

Mr. F!

WNBA gets paid what their attendance, ratings, and merchandise say they deserve. Which is generous, because they’re in the red, subsidized by the NBA.

Old Charlize. She liked the honey.

Ginger, I generally agree with almost everything you say, but no. Griner herself admitted that she packed in a hurry and left the weed paraphernalia in her bags...on the way to RUSSIA. If I’m going to Russia anytime since the advent of the Tsars, I’m packing my bag like a fucking drug mule...because it’s a foreign

Relatively free? The Olympics were without incident?

Believe it or not, some people actually read the news prior to the 2016 election.

I don’t give a fuck about Whelan. Releasing a notorious arms dealer named The Merchant of Death is the real issue. 

Gonna have to disagree with that one. Prior to Griner’s sentencing, perhaps, because since then they’ve been routinely discussed as a package deal for Bout. And even THAT would have been a crap deal. Bout is widely acknowledged to be one of the most dangerous people on the planet, full stop. His name should never have

Griner coming home is fantastic.

You can’t genuinely tell me that you’re anti-gun, anti-capitalist, pro-Black, and pro-queer when you are cheering on that a man who sold guns on behalf of Russia to murderous regimes across Africa.

I’m happy she’s free but the cost was pretty steep in that trade.

No. Let him be pissed. It’s a fucking joke that this happened 

“I see your script is as big as mine. Now let’s see how you handle it!”

Happy for Griner. Sucks to be Paul Whelan though.

So Putin gets a guy who has contacts for illicit arms trading across the globe during a time of domestic production shortages, knows how to get all manner of arms and items to places despite sanctions and armed opposition, and has no scruples about who he does business with or the people who get killed as a result.