Cursed Mark

For very valid reasons.....

I think we know that Ted ISN’T trying his best. His wife has said he’s almost never around and the kids run from him when he gets home. That’s not someone trying their best at parenting.

Oh, hey, welcome back troll who always copies other people’s names thinking that it somehow hurts them. You’re not fae, are you?

We aren’t stupid.

Has he blamed Obama or Biden yet? Fox ‘News’ probably will. Or trans or gay people? 

Yeah but it gave us the arguably best episode of the series, Dinner Party. So, win-win-win.

People handpicked by the producers to attend lavish premiere are extremely supportive of the film. Colour me shocked…

It was never said or even suggested at any point during the show that Dwight was autistic, nor does his behaviour point to that. He was just a jerk.  Someone just tweeted that because people on the internet are contrarian morons.

Andy Bernard punched a hole in the wall and is a descendant of slave owners born into obscene wealth

I think Roth and Amanda Plummer who played Honey Bunny had the right chemistry as a couple. I think Depp and Plummer just wouldn’t have worked as well. 

At what point does Chandler weigh in?

Who cares? I wonder how Florence Pugh feels.

This isn’t a very “AV Club” headline. Let me have a go:

Maybe this one will finally ban that demon fuck recognitions 

well, i’d shit on the alive, but it’s considered unsanitary

Kate Winslet is not a Kiwi -she’s English, born and bred- but if she were from the Land of the Long White Cloud she would pronounce it “fush and chups”

While there were some improvements, like Cyborg’s character story, the Snyder cut was more a self-indulgent vanity project than a complete and satisfying version of the theatrical cut.

Having a piece of media canceled is not fucking traumatic. Well, unless you are shot and killed by the lead actor.... Words have meaning, especially in media, choose better.

I’m not saying it was the best idea to cancel it, but it was just an HBOMax Original, yet people seemed to have really high expectations for it. I think their mistake was underestimating the public interest in Batgirl the character, and they should’ve planned a tentpole release for her in the first place.