I think it’s more about the message. Don’t want people getting rebellious thoughts.
I think it’s more about the message. Don’t want people getting rebellious thoughts.
Nice one.
I hold out hope that Evolution will rise as a cult classic, now that people are going to be binging his catalog.
On behalf of all horny teen boys in the days before the internet, thankyou sir for ‘Stripes’.
Literally just the other day, Schwarzenegger announced they would soon start filming a sequel to Twins called Triplets. It sounds like his death may have also been unexpected to Mr. Reitman, himself.
I guess that’s what excited me about this. The outline of the stories Tolkien left seem wildly intriguing. Perfect set up for new writers to fill in. Like, you’re getting tell Elrond’s story? What was it like being raised by the sociopaths who murdered his people and kidnapped him and how does it affect him? How does…
If the Phantom Menace was the last time you got fooled by a cool trailer, I admire your gifts of insight!
At the risk of starting a huge flame war, I’ll say this: Yeah, looks pretty cool.
For those who have watched both series (not the terrible Tom Cruise iteration):
Didn’t mention Titans, which he was very good in as Hawk. He even got to sing on the show, which surprised me since he’s very good.
The Punisher was literally R rated
Yeah Jessica Jones really only had a great first season, and it’s also where it became apparent that these seasons should have been 8 episodes long and not 13.
I wish they’d at least make more of an effort to get things on DVD. Daredevil’s third season was never released in non-digital form, and I would happily pay for it. Then I don’t have to worry about not being able to watch it again due to circumstances like this. (And while the show’s second season was...iffy...third…
Not liking something is not the same as being hurt.
I think they’re happy their Tweets are getting attention and they don’t really care about anything other than that
If you think clout chasing is only a white thing I have a bridge in NY you might be interested in
He did say that the Beaver Trap is where he lives after ALL his divorces.
He's had more than one.