That cat should smile more.
That cat should smile more.
Whether it was sexual in nature or not, Frankie Shaw’s behavior towards Samara Weaving was harassment, and it created enough of a hostile environment that Weaving left the show. Furthermore, Weaving had a no nudity clause in her contract so, not only was Shaw completely out of line, what she was doing was also probably…
Not sure about the allegations, but the title “Smilf” should be illegal.
While I’m sure they’ll do some sort of soft reveal of his nature in CM, I’m more excited to see how Rocket reacts when he sees Goose for the first time.
“This is my first time doing this job and we moved fast, and I was learning on the go and I’m just really grateful that I can take these lessons of being a more aware and in-tune showrunner moving forward”
This is exactly the sort of passive-aggressive bullshit bingo that Every Office Boss Ever says when they’re too…
...that Shaw had taken such an issue with the no-nudity clause in her contract that she pulled Weaving into a trailer, took off her own top, and “demanded to know why Weaving had a problem being nude” when she did not.
I wish I was as manly as Piers Morgan.
Avengers! I saw infinity War on opening night in a theater packed with other fans who cheered when characters appeared or did things. I'm definitely gonna see endgame the same way. It was a cool experience.
If you think that was the underlying assumption of my question, you need to strongly work on your reading comprehension.
Spader-Man: Far From Home doesn’t even rate an honorable mention?
Then why give him mainstream movies to review? Like the Halloween reboot. Who the fuck thought him reviewing that was a good idea?
If Avengers: Endgame doesn’t feature a ThanosCopter I want this listed edited and an apology from the AV Club.
Reading a review of a movie by Dowd is choice. I learned long ago, his opinions on movies and mine are no where in the same reality. Just move on and don’t worry.
Does Dowd even like movies? It doesn’t seem like it.
Hey, it happens to lots of guys, ok?
I am really surprised by the number of comments on the video like, “Whoa, Mysterio is a good guy now?” or “I guess Mysterio actually has magic powers or something?” Did everyone forget what Mysterio’s whole deal was?
Until this game came out, I thought “pinkerton” was just old-timey slang for the feds.
This may be the first time anyone has said this, but good for Coachella.
The poster, after all, with its bifurcated headshot and nonsensical tagline
Bane is definitely not perfectly comprehensible. I strained to understand his dialogue pretty often. It’s not Brad Pitt in Snatch levels of impossible to understand, but it’s not great and not clear. His accent makes him sound like Deckard Cain, though, and that’s hilarious.