None of these guys come out of this particularly well. I can only give some credit to Baldwin and Tarantino for at least coming clean and saying they fucked up, which is a start, I suppose.
None of these guys come out of this particularly well. I can only give some credit to Baldwin and Tarantino for at least coming clean and saying they fucked up, which is a start, I suppose.
Who knew Alec Baldwin and Quentin Tarantino would come out on top of far more broadly liked celebrities like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.
James Gunn said that we should stop arguing about antagonizing people over liking or disliking the movie. He said nothing about not voicing one’s opinion of it or comparing it to other media.
How about people that get bent out of shape about it sucking?
He went back to his home planet...
Hey, whatever happened to Manimal?
Coming from the guy who’s defending a movie that does nothing but glorify toxic masculinity, I find it amusing that you don’t seem to know what “mansplaining” is.
Yes, how out of left field it is to compare a Superman movie where he’s worshiped like a god to an episode of Supergirl where she’s worshiped like a god. Where the hell did that connection even come from? They’re not even the same gender!
First BvS article I’ve read here in awhile, you might have a bad memory or just a bias against people not liking things you apparently did?
Since you insist on barreling past anything the article actually has to say, I’ll just confirm what you’re upset about:
Batman V Superman is a garbage film.
In fairness, BVS is so bad it should be mentioned often near the words “failure,” “boneheaded,” and “awful.”
Yup, that’s all this article is, just “look at how bad BvS” is. Definitely not an analysis of how two similar works deal with the same theme in different ways.
“Jar Jar stumbled and bumbled about like a misguided African-Carribbean stereotype so Gollum could run”
Interestingly, especially in the case of Argento’s films, no matter what you do you can only get dubbed versions. This is because they would hire actors from different countries (sometimes just to ensure financing), who would speak their lines in their native languages, and then have them dubbed over afterwards. So no…
It’s only one sketch, and the joke is that no one knows why DSP is even a thing.
Next SNL movie:
There was nowhere near enough dancing b-boy skeletons.
I wish I could find that TV Funhouse “Fun with Real Audio” segment where Bjork is performing at the Oscars and her swan dress comes to life and starts regurgitating food into her mouth before attacking the audience and being put down by Charlton Heston.
That was some quality SNL animation.
She doesn’t have the power those men have.
Well, actually...