Cursed Mark

At least she’s a beacon of something better than TMZ

Because TMZ is some beacon of something that is wrong in this world.


TMZ is the worst. I’m firmly on Kathy Griffin’s side on this one.

Please stop these needless inflammatory attacks on Seagal, so we can return our rapt attention to his authoritative views on what it takes to be a patriotic American.

It was a hard-R violent film that came out on Easter weekend.

Especially given Wind River’s subject matter

And.........we’ve reached peak value signalling.

I was very surprised at how good WIND RIVER was, and this development makes me hope it can be viewed without the stigma of that name being attached.

The fact that his last name really was Domino is almost as surprising as the fact that “Neil Diamond” isn’t a stage name.

RIP. When your nickname is “Fats” and you make it to 89, you’ve done pretty well.

I used to watch Benson all the time back when it was on, and saw Soap when it hit Nick at Night some time later. Guillaume clearly just owned the role. 89 is a hell of a good run, though.

Oh my God yes. I love CH Streeter. You know for a long time I thought streeter was the phantom of the office.

But did you know Libero has a 25000 and falling fast circulation? 

You know, it is possible to point out shittiness in another country without denying it exists in one’s own.

I’m going to go with “People who don’t want to be felons or drug dealers for $100.”

Yeah, it’s kind of like how Dick Cheney kinda sorta found his conscience on gay rights once he found out he had a lesbian daughter. Conservatives only recognize wide-ranging systemic abuses when they’re personally affected by the abuse.

Megyn Kelly looked the other way at constant sexual harrassment and abuse for 13

It’s hard for me to have any respect for her when I know she’d be the first Fox News asshole to run an op-ed about how women in the workplace should just suck it up if this had never happened to her personally.

Ah, Megyn Kelly. The reigning queen of “I don’t give a shit about X until X happens to me personally.” It’d be nice to see these two somehow obliterate each other, like shitty conservative mouthpiece matter vs shitty conservative mouthpiece antimatter.