Cursed Mark

But... She’s so baaaaaaad at it.

Hey, we know how a Simpsons comment section goes.

 It has to do with the nature of the discomfort, and the relative power between the two people involved. I once had a co-worker leave flowers on my desk on Valentine’s day, as his first overt indication of interest. I wasn’t interested, and I let him down gently, and he didn’t make a big fuss about it, bring it up

I’ve been indifferent to baseball all my life, and I still consider it one of the all time best Simpsons episodes.

Don’t worry, it’s not a joke meltdown, it’s an unrequested comedy surplus.

Well, if people on Twitter agree with you!

No I guess you don’t know what it means then. People remember stuff differently, doesn’t mean anyone thinks Charlene Yi is lying.

It’s a term that describes people having different interpretations of the same event. So exactly what is happening here.

By that logic, the classic Simpsons “I don’t remember it that way” gag is also racist. I don’t think that dog will hunt.

I think you are reaching with the complaints about the Rashomon hashtag. That title has come to be accepted as a phrase that describes this very situation.

Rashomon was FAMOUSLY about an event that had many different perspective & characters telling the same “story” from different perspectives, with often wildly different retellings of the sameevent. Not taking a side here, but want to point out that you may be attaching your own prejudice to his statement without

I’m sure the fact that Weinstein had nothing to do with The Hunger Games won’t throw off your airtight, not-misogynist-as-shit theory at all.

Society accepts some level of sexual harassment and even assault.

Can I agree that the apology was lame while still thinking the “#Rashomon” tag was well-used? Regardless of it being used in reference to an Asian, it distills his point into a single word: Two people may remember the same event very differently, without deceitful intent on either side. It’s certainly less charged

SERIOUSLY. “#Rashomon”? Does he think he’s being so clever using this as a tactic for self defense against an Asian woman accusing him of being racist? I totally believe her, by the way. (For those curious this is what he’s referring to:

I interpreted it as more Kubrick-bullying-Shelley-Duvall, but that’s just a guess.

Probably to illustrate the point that powerless, largely unknown, pre GOT Lena Headey couldn’t even go to her director for support when a powerful producer was trying to seduce her.

My university is having a similar issue - they have accepted a $100K grant from The Weinstein Foundation that is going to go toward something in the Women’s Studies department and now there’s all this hand-wringing about whether or not the school should give it back. To what end? I say take his money, man. Take all of


Are you fucking kidding me, scumbag?