It’s hard to separate those two, because the deniers are all also ignorant.
It’s hard to separate those two, because the deniers are all also ignorant.
Hate the sin, not the sinner. Unless they’re a liberal, or black, or LGBTQ, or a career woman, or an immigrant, or a refugee, an environmentalist, a college professor...
The Supreme Court already ruled definitively that POTUS is subject to civil suits, which is why Clinton was deposed in Paula Jones’s suit, which led to impeachment proceedings for much, much less than what Trump has done.
You’re gonna be here all day if you want to draw every parallel between various superheros and their arch-nemeses
Where is Manimal at these days, anyway?
She’s been the Storm of our hearts forever.
If I can’t have her as Storm, Queen Emeritus of Wakanda is the next best thing.
I want an Angela Bassett action scene.
I like his movies except for that nervous fella that’s always in them.
I think the difference here is tbat Kilmonger isn’t so much an evil version but a guy who desires the throne and with that comes the mantle of Black Panther. Him having his own suit and challenging T’Challa is basically him attempting to prove he’s better at being warrior and king. He’s not really the evil/dark…
Well, speaking for myself I do believe aliens exist somewhere out there and some day may (or may not) possibly come to Earth - whereas I don’t believe for a second that, say, Burundi is secretly the most resource-rich and scientifically advanced nation on the planet. If both those things were to be proven true, both…
Actually he changed his name to Erik Killmonger. His birth name is N’Jadaka.
The title of king/queen in Wakanda is earned. It may be passed down from one generation to the next, but the incoming ruler must always prove themselves in combat (and I think other ways). The ruling nobility has access to more resources than others, so that does skew the training in their children’s favor, but other…
Hoping that the theme song is the B-52's Rock Lobster, but with Fred Schneider yelling BLACK PAN-THER in the updated mix.
These pretzels? They’re making him thirsty.
This is such a dumb take. I’m sure they’ve had treatments and attempts at getting such movies off the ground, it’s not like he can snap his fingers and a movie appears.
In Feige’s defense, it seems like Ike Perlmutter was the one standing in the way of a Black Widow movie.
You are right. Shit I fucked up. Thank you for the heads up.