Cursed Mark


The Stride Mothers return. Oh what a day! What a glorious day!

You fool! Replying to these things is like inviting a vampire into your home!

The person who decided to sing Hallelujah as Clinton was not the person in charge of booking Trump as a guest.

He’s not nearly as problematic as Hefner, who began his empire by acquiring nude photos of Marilyn Monroe that she didn’t want published, and then publishing them. She understandably hated him. He bought the grave next to hers to keep harassing her in the afterlife.

Larry Flynt has long been a character who hated the government screwing people while defending private citizens.

Howard Johnson is right about MwFuller being right!

Larry Flynt is right!

I am not supposed to be laughing here, but can’t stop.

I know there’s the art and artist debate. But I still gotta watch Chinatown once a year.

Didnt Oldman get drunk and go on some racist and sexist rants? His wife or gf accused him of throwing a phone at her while she held their child or something too.

Paul Feig is just a hack. There’s no conspiracy there. He’s just a hack.

What a monster! How could he do such a horrible thing?

“ both Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski remain members in good standing of the group” So... this is a pretty toothless statement then. Seems status quo to me.  

The Rock, Patton Oswalt, Idris Elba, any male member of the Brooklyn 99 cast

I agree that pro wrestling is generally very misogynistic, but the rock has built up a pretty consistent reputation as a good guy. If we’re speculating on which pro wrestler is least likely to harass or assault a woman, I gotta go with Mick Foley. :) 

I think the point is that they aren’t going to get away with it anymore. Except the president, of course.

I recall the incident that forced Seagal to flee the country for Serbia were reports of him keeping *virtual sex slaves* in his dressing room trailer. Foreign nationals whose passports he held.

No, but now we can add “asian throne” to the ever-growing list of ersatz “casting couches.”

“We will continue to do nothing to enforce our old rules and now we have brand new rules for us to do nothing to enforce. Happy now, ladies?”