Cursed Mark

Tina Fey is really, really bad at talking about social issues in a way that is both insightful and funny. Why does she keep trying?

What’s creepy about him? You seem very judgemental or unknowing about different relationship styles

As a Mexican, I would not consider Arizona to be “marginally less crazy.” They are equal parts crazy, if anything.

I don’t think “influencing the election” was necessarily their end goal. Like everybody else, they probably didn’t think Trump had a real chance of winning. This stuff they did was more likely just meant to stir the pot. The goal may have just been to keep Americans angry at each other over stupid shit. They know we

Based on what we know so far, I don’t think hard to understand Russians were very resourceful in their efforts to influence the election. There is nothing gullible or paranoid about that.

This might seem innocuous, but this story made me realize how vast and detailed this whole Russian Bot thing is.

All three. It was actually an experimental sequel to Fitzscarraldo where Klaus Kinski played the Marstons, Olive and the titular Wonder Woman. In Germany it’s knows as the Parent Trap 2: Oh, No, Where’s Haley Mills?

Oh fuck you. You have no idea what it’s like to be in her position. You’re part of the problem.

That must be why you’re here commenting, because you care so little one way or the other.

“Money grabber?” Seriously? Rose was on a hit television show for five years and made at least $100,000 / episode (plus residual earnings from syndication airings of Charmed) in addition to being in more than a score of films. Nice try, though.

Twitter didn’t take a fucking stance. An automated bot deployed an algorithm and automatically suspended her account. Zero human beings at Twitter were responsible for this. And that’s what a lot of us are pissed at. I guaran-fucking-tee you a human at Twitter carefully reviews all of Trump’s posts while ignoring

Who’s saying “democrats didn’t care when Bill Clinton did it?” Who’s saying that? Not me. But remember, while Clinton was “doing that,” our Speaker of the House was quietly paying hush money to BOYS he molested years earlier. There are plenty of predators on BOTH sides of the political aisle. Don’t give Weinstein an

So you’re defending the Neo-Nazis?

Uh...I’m pretty sure (god I hope I’m sure) that the neonazis are the minority; not the rest of us.

Exaggerate much?

No, you get a clue, you bloviating piece of donkey pile. You have to be a frigging moron to think that the Korean War wasn’t part and parcel of the war on communism, a decades-long engagement that drew just about every corner of the globe into the mix. Do you not understand that the only way we could “annihilate” NK

Goading North Korea into WWIII, totes okay.

Calling out sexual harassers and collaborators, shut down.

F*&k you Twitter.

This is so fucking disgusting. I had been reading her tweets in the past few days and feeling kind of inspired and hopeful, and there’s nothing that violates any Twitter rule, nothing anyone wouldn’t say at any point anyway (“Ben Affleck fuck off”) I mean despite the pure villainy of doing this, did they not think

Twitter is awful.

It doesn’t, and McGowan didn’t either, but people have connected their own dots based on the information she provided. It seems likely it’s true, but it’s not confirmed (I think she signed an NDA).