Cursed Mark

One of them is a goy.

We’d also accept “You’re disgusting, misogynist”

No one is saying that.

They didn’t go through anything. This person is pretending to be a commenter that was on here a lot before Kinja in some gross attempt to make fun of her.

I’m saying that with comments like “That is the reality of human nature...especially if you remove the shackles of guilt,” it sounds like they’re playing devil’s advocate to the shitty commenter on the other article. 

You’re assuming that it’s normal to want to rape people, and that the only thing keeping men from rape is fear of consequences.

Not sure which part you need explained, so I’ll just explain that post-Kinja AV Club has become a hotbed of troll activity, where every other article’s featured comment is some kind of alt-right dog whistle bullshit and they don’t do a goddamn thing about it and allow the community to rot.

Knowing you can get away with it doesn’t turn you into a criminal.

There’s a lot of broke rapists too.

Do you have money and power?

Money and power only amplifies who you already are, and does not turn a normal person into a rapist like the poster implied.

You forgot that guy who posted on here last night that we’d totally do the same thing in his position, and if we denied it, we’re simply lying to ourselves.

What a fucking moron.

Am I allowed to say that this black woman has no timing?

I look forward to the left suddenly championing free speech for the correct politics.

Why yes, I am aware that there is a massive wave of butthurt white people whining that they can’t get away with being racist without being called racist anymore.

Fuck timing — she’s always funny and delightful. Maybe it’s because she’s that good a writer? If anything, her questionable delivery makes her all the more charming. Anyway, she’s a huge asset to the show.

Usually if you have to make a point of saying you’re not a racist, chances are you’re probably a racist

Your true self sucks.

Yes, but can you pull off A+ philosophical sophisms quite like our pal Phox over there? That’s the real question.