Let’s not paint with a broad brush. Some, like his brother, are dumping him to take control of his empire.
Let’s not paint with a broad brush. Some, like his brother, are dumping him to take control of his empire.
“USC announced that it would be declining $5 million from him for an endowment for female filmmakers.”
Pretty sure trying to give his endowment to female filmmakers is how he got into this mess.
TWC cited Weinstein’s violation of the company code of conduct as the reason for his firing. Unless the code of conduct somehow completely fails to mention any sort of sexual harassment policy, that lawsuit is going to be pretty straightforward.
Everyone’s shit is emotional right now.
“Characters lacked motivation, plot was repetitive, and the ending was abrupt and anticlimactic”
I loved it and think it’s Damon’s best performance (Jude Law is great too.) Different strokes!
Eh, I was always under the impression that Bill Cosby was a self righteous scumbag but he managed to fool most of America for decades.
That’s never really stopped us before.
In the beforetimes, we would have said it could be two things
In others news, Captain Renault of the local police stated that he was “shocked” to find that gambling was going on in an establishment he had heretofore frequented for its good music and lively cast of characters.
Yeeees, give the fools their tar-tar sauce.
This is the new AV Club now, baby!
Looks like the big taser baton that the Stormtrooper in the TFA had.
Gosh, who broke your neck in a pointless retread of a superior original?
Oh my god fuck off. You are seriously complaining about the article “spoiling” the trailer.
Mark Hamill is bringing it. Every line he spoke gave me chills.
I support the kneelers, I oppose Trump’s efforts to chill free speech with government resouces, and the following is not an endorsement of ESPN’s actions.
She really crossed the line there politicizing something like Football. Unconscionable. It’s a game, there’s no place there for politics whatsoever. It’s the move of a true coward. Only a truly ineffectual and weak person would do something so petty, someone who has no actual power. Like the Vice President.