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    So are those 2 statues of Space Jockeys in the Prometheus pic?

    I'll bet Liam Nielson's part in this movie is similar to Steven Seigal's role in Executive Decision where Seigal was killed off early in the movie...

    Seriously, take out the Transformer sound and this actually might be somewhat enjoyable. Maybe.

    Uhm, Liam is the Captain and the Captain is dead. That doesn't bode well.

    I would say there was a re-occurring event (Tsunami, Storms) that washed them into that bowl (lagoon) where they died.

    Excellent info, thanks. I think my company is upgrading to Exchange 2010 shortly. So I'm hoping for the best. I think long term MS would have a better chance of getting it right with it's own os rather than android.

    I like Android but I really want better Exchange\Outlook integration and I think Win 7.6 allows for that.

    I'm currently using UMA from my house with my blackberry. I'm going to switch a WinMo phone this month, but I don't think mango supports WIFI or UMA calling so I will need a signal booster to use my phone at home where I work.

    When is this scene in the movie? I missed it. Last I see Thade, he's hiding under a desk looking like a caged animal in dispare...

    I saw the Burton\Wahlberg movie last night. I never saw the bad ape leave the planet. Last I saw of him he was trapped in the glass enclosed control room of the ancient ship that was out of power. And Marky Mark leaving on the only flyable ship. The other was at the bottom of the lake.

    I agree about Snape. I didn't read the book and was confused by the Snape backstory. It made sense until the end. That he was her friend, wanted to be more but Harry's dad caught Lily's eye. Why Snape didn't like Harry's dad. Why Harry's dad bullied Snape. Then the end confused me. Like your friend I was

    Unfortunately this is no surprise. The changeover is complete. Good luck Blam. Enjoy the waves!

    While this movie isn't great. I don't think it was bad. I do agree that the final act wasn't as fulfilling as the Darth Maul final fight in Ep.1 I think it had the potential to but they just didn't go for it. I don't think the Daddy issues were over done. I think only one character had real daddy issues. The

    Big V looks like he's put on a few pounds in the last 2 movies...

    or until the next set leak points to think something different.

    This type of thread is what makes io9 so great. Wealth of knowledge to be shared.

    I only started watching doctor who since Matt Smith. I did go back and find Tenants last few episodes to see the transformation. So I don't know about other companions. Do they usually only last a season? Don't they usually stay on for as long as the doctor stays around?

    oh boy. X-men clip, Hank is wearing socks when he slides off his shoes but doesn't take off the socks. But he walks barefoot to the spot wear he jumps up onto the plane showing off his toe grip. Bad editing is bad!

    I hadn't seen the picture yet. Definitely a crash not a landing and mechanical problem as was announced yesterday.

    ok, that story changed (and will likely change again) from what I read yesterday morning.