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    Is that Elekra following them down the corridor?

    Same hanger outline as from were Poe’s ship is blown up. Likely Phasma as the troops behind her have the classic storm trooper arm position when walking.

    In the same shot of the batmobile taking flight after it goes over the building it starts to dive and shows two missiles trailing right behind it.

    Seems odd to have an escape ship and then not enough pods in case the escape ship isn't available.

    I thought I read there was a crew of 17. Seems like a Titanic scenario. Too many people for escape pods.

    So the picture of the human on the ceiling being lit up by Shaw's flashlight from the trailer where she's asking the Prometheus crew if they are seeing this. Is it changing from the Alien to the human or the human (with a section of his/her stomach ripped open like shaw has later in the movie) to alien?

    Is Tesrak a hint to what is going on in the movie?

    It's going to be very interesting to see where they go with this movie. If they are doing a good job with good marketing you don't know what to believe and not to or what approach they are trying to take with the snippets from the trailers.

    So, this planet (I agree now that is not likely LV-246) is a Species vault (one of many) that the SJ's have placed all over the universe. Is it's purpose to spread life or destroy it?

    The fact that Promtheus crashes into the what we think is the space jockey ship also hurts my theory.

    That's true. We shall see.

    Unless the scanning probes are on the way back how would they have a complete readout of the mound/egg silo. I thought in one of the trailers they mention the scanners finding living (not part of the team) objects.

    Crazy theory:

    I agree. They sent those probes out to scan it and the red spot on the read out are living things.

    Is that a facehugger Fasbender is carrying in the container in the 2nd to last pic?

    Yep, mister weyland himself is sre to be in this movie.

    In the weyland timeline they talk about freezing bodies. Weyland is frozen when they discover the Space maps. They transfer his brain into an andriod and bring him along.

    I'm thinking this guy is Holloway. Infected and transformed he going after shaw and crew. He jumps into the ship (SpaceJockey chair) to go back to earth. The prometheus crashes into the ship keeping it on the planet.

    Could this be David trying to study the face huggers on Shaw? Seeing how the facehuggers impregnate humans?

    I wonder how long before they introduce Bucky back into the Caption America movies so he has a friend again.