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    It didn't crash. It landed and it shut down. When it couldn't be restarted it was blown up.

    So that's what you were doing when stuffing things (and staff) down your pants! Good luck Jason.

    That sure is a packed trailer. Lots of beginning and aftermath scenes.

    That's one way to get back at the fans who aren't showing up to the games!

    I have already lost track of the different affairs and names in this short review. Did you say something about guarding a wall? WooHOO!! :)

    Showing my age, I remember these commercials. I will not reveal whether I thought the underoos were cool or not.

    Incredible the amount of time and effort put in for these projects. Did I read correctly that they will control the sky crane when landing the Curiosity? It takes hours to get a signal to/from Mars, correct?

    Ah, iJustine. Still trying to get her 15 mins of fame. She's been tramping for Apple for years doing video on Justin.TV, youtube. I thought the ATT bill video was going to be the pinnacle (heavy sarcasm there) of her fame but she's still trying to top it.

    I can't wait for the screencap chop review of this trailer... tomorrow Meredith?

    So Super Apes team up with Peta to take over the world! There it is, human sympathizers protect the Super Apes as their population grows and then Apes take over the world.

    Maybe I misread the moment but after Josh turned and Nora's fell to the floor in pain, the wolf looking under the door and making eye contact calmly (not raging to get out and attack Nora) showed recognition of either Nora, the potential were - baby or that Nora had been scratched and would be come a werewolf as well.

    I didn't even know he was in Star Trek. That's a good thing. He didn't stand out as horrible.

    I think I'm going to like everything about this movie except the guy playing Thor. Maybe he'll come across better when watching the whole movie but in the clips he doesn't seem like a very good actor.

    Random question that I know the answer to: Why on Cartoon men costumes there is no sign of a belly button but on women's costume some magical fabric is used that sucks the costume inside the belly button so they you know it's there?


    wow, what a mess. is Steve Rogers known as Steve Rogers and Bucky as Capt America? I can see why it's a pet peeve...

    Who's the guy to the right of Thor and the girl on the end next to Hulk?

    When I first heard the voice and saw he character I thought the series was going to start with Lion-o as an old King and retell his story growing into the role of King.

    You're right. the other's didn't stand out to me. Looking at it again I see the rest of the bodies. It's going to be a great finale to the series. (I didn't read any of the books) so all the details of the last movie are going to be a surprise to me.

    old eyes I guess. I didn't even notice the other bodies on the left. Just the white robed one on the right. I didn't even notice that Harry was carrying 2 wands.