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    @IAmAGenius: In order to be an editor you have to sacrifice the little toe.

    Was the lens flare a tribute to JJ Abrams?

    Wasn't there a new cartoon version being released to?

    I started as a Giz only reader but io9 has taken most of my reading time from the Giz. The morning spoilers is my only must read of each day (I re-read each weeks daily posts on weekend!?!).

    @Henry_Jekyll: You are correct. he T-Rex goes into the water chasing prey and the shark attacks and kills it.

    When did you hire Bob Sagert?

    @mopo: It will be interesting to see if the availability of the original on NEtflix and torrents gets the young crowd more interested in seeing the new one. Or if the new cgi effects will draw them in.

    @AngryEddy: There is a built in geek crowd of over 30 that will want to see this and all the young kids will like the amp'd up digital affects. I think it will be a big hit.

    If this movie doesn't break box office records I will be shocked.

    @mipakr: I would. It will give you the background and an appreciation for the technology used to create the first movie and show how far it's come.

    @vinylrake: The Darth you saw was 20 years older and all done with the pouty emo lifestyle.

    @Brodka: regrettably: I think Anakin was Vader when he killed all the Jedi in the temple. I don't think there was ever going back after that .

    Is this Mac only? Or is there a PC version? Smartphone versions?

    @omgwtflolbbqbye: I'm going with @Diogenes-the-Cynic say that it will be both. I'm thinking something was happening (may just the start of) before the zombie outbreak and thinking that Rick was gone just let them go ahead with it. They were still keeping it a secret from the son so it wasn't in the open.

    So the big question is: was his buddy partner a scumbag before or after?

    @Dogm1: There is a 20% chance you are correct and an 80% chance that he will be involved in every painstaking decision of the wedding process.

    @CJ4: If Katy goes with that plan then she really is a keeper...

    Well done. That was the easy part. Now the wedding planning that is not so easy.

    @collex: The alien gun wasn't shooting bullets... It had a rechargeable power source.

    @collex: Well, it's not exactly a new idea. The terminator hand and broken power chip lead to all the problems in the the Terminator movies.