
I’m real sorry about that, Fritz! Everything I said to darryl applies to you, but since I know it can be a pain to find particular comments without Kinjamprove, I’ll quote what I said to him, to you:

Hey darryl, sorry about that. You’re not the only one to have had that issue. When the update was first published, there was a bug that hadn’t shown up in testing that utterly broke it, and let me tell you, that was a real oh shit moment of panic for me. A couple of hours (and 4 published updates, each more desperate

If there *is* another thread about it, I haven’t seen it! I’m really glad you like it! I put a lot of work into it, and was pretty stressed about releasing this update for a little while there, so your kind words are very gratifying to hear :). If you could, it’d be great if you gave it a nice review or good rating on

Duly noted! To be honest with you—and this is a little embarrassing—that wasn’t actually meant to be in the update. That was just for use while testing. Oops. It might help prevent some of the double-posting you see sometimes see around here, so at least there’s that? But if you find it annoying, then plenty of others

Good notes, thanks! I actually kept waffling over that confirmation message, so this is especially helpful feedback. Option c) sounds best to me; I’ll wrap that into the next update. If I had already known you were a developer, I must have forgotten, so that’s good to know!

Christ, thank you thank you thank you! Seriously, I’ve been completely in the dark since the update got published, so to know that, if nothing else, it works for at least one other person is a huge relief! Please do keep me posted (either by responding to a comment here on Kinja, or via the extension’s page)!

Hey natureslayer, this is completely off-topic, but I know you use Kinjamprove and it’d be a big help for me if you (and/or anyone else reading this!) could answer a question or two, ASAP:

Hey Ed! It’s not that Kinjamprove is disabled here, it’s that it hasn’t explicitly been enabled. It only has permission to access Kinja sites that were previously existing prior to its most recent update. Similarly, it didn’t work over on Earther until the (just published) update. Wouldn’t you know it that I only


I don’t want to alarm you, but... recognitions, it is you! You’re morphing into Jay Leno! Quick, get to a hospital! And for the love of God, avoid any denim on the way!

This comment is missing an author. It’s also inaccessible using Kinja alone without Kinjmamprove. Weird. Even stranger still, the ‘canonical host’ ( is a completely empty blog, save for the name ‘eli friedmann.’ 




Hey, sorry for responding so late! I’d like to say it’s because I’ve been working so hard on Kinjamprove, but really it’s a combo of my own laziness & forgetfulness.

Maybe he’s referring to the way YouTube commenters use racial slurs so liberally?

If you’re a Chrome user with the Kinjamprove extension downloaded, you’ll soon be able to block users with the next update. (It’ll be somewhat less soon before this update is available for the Firefox version.)

Hmm. Which Chrome extension are you using? If I knew the selector format it uses I could probably tell you what string to add. If it just uses straight-up CSS selectors, it’d probably just be something like div.instream-native-video or even just .instream-native-video .

I blocked them with Adblock for Chrome by adding ‘[class=”instream-native-video instream-permalink”]’ to my filters. They also appear to already be blocked by default by Adblock Plus. Hope this helps!