

Thanks for sharing, Sarge :)

The Firefox version is already tested and working! Now we just have to wait for Mozilla to approve it, so stay tuned!

Hey Miller, I'm the extension's author. My browser of choice is also Safari, so I definitely want to get it working on there asap. (It's also coming soon to Firefox!)

I'm just psyched that I got my very own 'The AV Club'. Everything's coming up Bowen!

Thank you for the suggestions! It's a bit of a mixed bag, I'm afraid:
1. I really, really, REALLY wanted it to be automatic. And it was! In fact, the button was actually a pretty late addition. Unfortunately, I haven't yet been able to find a way to automate it without adding worse drawbacks into the mix.

I responded to an earlier comment of yours only to scroll down a bit and see you had just posted this. Whoops. But yeah, it was actually a pretty simple fix on my end. So simple, in fact, that I can only assume they've got an underlying reason for why they themselves haven't done something like it. I saw someone

If you're willing to expand that 'they' to encompass the entirety of the human race — or at least, say, Michiganders who are in no way affiliated with Kinja — then 'they' already have added nested comments! See my reply to Ben Grimm above for more info.

Hey Ben, I don't know if it's made its way to Yancy Street yet, and it's important to me that you be aware that I've made a Chrome extension that gives Kinja nested comments (among other things). You're actually in the screenshot I used in the Chrome store! Now, as far as inventions go, it's no unstable molecule, but

Thanks for helping to get the word out, dirtside! Hear that, people? The reviews are in! Kinjamprove: "It actually makes Kinja usable!"

Threading's not dumb, and we're not dumb for wanting it. Which is why I made a Chrome extension that brings threading to Kinja (shameless plug). Here's the link, in case you're interested:…

Well, from one M.B. to another, I'll be sorry to see you go. Still, I hope to see you in future discussions, and I'm happy you'll still be able to enjoy revisiting bygone comment threads :)! I absolutely can relate to that. It really goes to show how essential the commenting community is around here (at least, for

Well, I wasn't fishing, but I like what I caught ;).

Yes sir, I absolutely intend to release it for Firefox (as well as Safari, and now even Opera?)! It'll be available for Firefox sometime before the weekend, God willing. (Just saying that probably jinxed it and now it'll probably get stuck in development hell until 2021. But I ain't superstitious, so look for it

Yes sir, I absolutely intend to release it for Firefox (as well as Safari, and now even Opera?)! It'll be available for Firefox sometime before the weekend, God willing. (Just saying that probably jinxed it and now it'll probably get stuck in development hell until 2021. But I ain't superstitious, so look for it

Hmm. Ya know, I hadn't really considered it, BabaDuke. But from what a cursory Google search tells me, it should be pretty easy to port it over to Opera. So barring any unforeseen complications, I'll try and get that on there for you tout suite! Aside from that, that aforementioned Google search also turned up an

You're very welcome, JP! I'm happy you approve. It's comments such as yours that make all the work worth it, so thank you!

This is very valuable feedback, thank you very much, Myles! Sorry to hear about your poor, taxed processor. I'm also running on a 2012 Mac, so I'm definitely sensitive to your plight. That's my #1 priority, cutting down on how resource intensive it can be on high-volume pages.

Currently the only browser it works for is Chrome, I'm afraid. But it's my personal browser of choice too, so getting it ported over to Safari is definitely a high priority of mine! I'm still pretty new to the wonderful world of web development, so I can't yet say with certainty whether or not it'll then be useable on

I laughed. Thanks for that.