
Thanks for checking it out, Gramps! This is the first thing I've ever made for anyone other than myself, so it seriously means a lot to me that you like it. Hopefully more AVC'ers will see your seal of approval here and give it a look for themselves. And because this is uncharted territory for me, I'm not really sure

Good thinking! Thanks again, Alex, you're a real mensch. Perhaps I could hire you in some sort of advisory role? I can only afford to pay you in Disqus upvotes, unfortunately. Anyhoo, here's the avocado link:…

I know this is probably rhetorical, but in Ernie's defense, my (admittedly not very educated) opinion is that it's gotta be The Powers That Be's fault (or, since we're talking about Univision here, Los poderes que están), not the tech team's. Because however easy you think it is to make their comments nested… it's 5x

You're very welcome, Evan! And a sincere thanks to you for checking it out!

When I saw that someone around here had posted a link to a post that one of the Kinja developers had made three years ago saying that nested comment threads were not something they were even considering adding, I started work on a Chrome extension to do just that, as well as make a couple other improvements to Kinja.

Here's how Kinja sorts comments: replies to the article are sorted by number of likes, and replies to comments are sorted by publish date (oldest first), without nesting. So whereas with Disqus my comment appears directly underneath yours, on Kinja it would appear beneath the next-most recent comment in this thread.

Here's the link to that selfsame extension:… ! Here's hoping people at least give it a shot before they quit posting here. (Here's also hoping that this doesn't get caught in Disqus's spam filter.)

It was futzing around with comments sections that gave us this mess, and dadgummit, it'll be futzing around with comments sections that gets us out of it!

Hey hey, good to know, thank you very much! Now while I'm spamming it all up and down the AVC I can at least look like less of a jackass than I would if I were posting a dead link! If you've got any feedback please feel free to share it!

Hey all, in addition to being a longtime AVC lurker who loves our commenting community, I'm also a comp. sci. student, so I made a Chrome extension that makes Kinja good less bad! Notably, it allows for comments to be threaded/nested(!). Here's the link for anyone interested:…