It’s called Kinjamprove and it’s okay. I use it for Chrome and I assume they have a version for Firefox as well.
It’s called Kinjamprove and it’s okay. I use it for Chrome and I assume they have a version for Firefox as well.
Oh, cool! Just now DLed it and I’m liking it so far! Thanks for mentioning this!
It’s a great plugin for sure. But it hasn’t been updated since December, and I fear one of these Kinja changes will finally break it forever. It’s already acting flakey.
I haven’t heard about the avocado till now, thanks.
Haha came here to comment, “You mean I can finally block that Prince Ruprecht asshat?” <3
Yeah the block function is great. I haven’t read a comment by that Prince Rubrect fellow in about six months. Shit’s lovely.
Plus gives you the option to block people! And automatically see Pending Approvals! The only downside is that I have to pause it if I want to embed images or URLs or if I need to dismiss comments.
I am delighted to learn that this exists.
Some are on, others are lurking around Others just sort of wandered off down the street and we haven’t heard from them since. Join us!
Personally I appreciate having to install a Chrome extension in order to have a remotely coherent comment system. It keeps me on my toes.
Venom has plenty of great adversaries, other than just Spider-Man!
Argh, I mean nomen omen.
The author is named Kibblesmith? Wow, omen omen.
the fact its a last issue of a mini series totally shows Marvel’s refusal to cancel it. wait wat?
I just have to say, I love the fact that a comic exists where the main character is a dog, and it’s written by someone with the surname of “Kibblesmith”
Agree 100% about the death. I watched pretty much unblinkingly every act of violence throughout the whole series — even the suitcase scene! — but this was almost unbearable. (Second place for me goes to the dental work scene.) The stuff before Elizabeth killed her was pretty hard, too, especially for anyone who has…
So you’re saying your grandfather held down a steady, presumably unionized job for forty years? Must be nice. Privilege is a spectrum. No, not all white people are rich, or benefit equally from the system. Some black people are, indeed, doing better than white people. Some black families are even fabulously wealthy,…
.January Jones as Emma ... wait ... ?