Also justified for the comedic timing.
Also justified for the comedic timing.
Any time, Buzz Killington.
Grammer nazi's R such LOOSERS.
This is crazy, but Carol has morphed into such a different person I completely forgot she had a daughter.
The Moe Szyslak defense.
Upvoted for T-Bone. Never forget.
Maggie: "I haven't been this sad since we lost T-Dog to those jerks in that hospital."
On one hand, it would be right in line with the more absurd part of TWD for him to turn up alive. On the other hand, not every major character needs a huge dramatic death. Sometimes you just make a wrong move and shit ends for you.
"Maybe this is the bite talking, but you have a butt that won't quit….they have these soft pretzels…*mumbling*….five dollars?!!? Get out of here!"
I haven't seen this anywhere else in the comments…
If you really want to split hairs, Judith kind of killed Lori. Carl just prevented the inevitable. Because babies don't know shit about the double-tap rule.
Now Tobias from Arrested Development….
It was really the most morbid call back to the Yul Brynner smoking psa's I've ever seen.
I'll say it. Eugene is really winning me over as the comic relief guy. He's on fire this season.
There's a band in Boston called Black Pyramid.
That would be amazing.
Newbury comics became so much more of a pop-culture merchandise sort of a store over time. I grew up on the Cape, and the Hyannis store gradually went from one of two places to get good albums to Hot Topic Jr.
Absolutely. Dan Tracy is very good at complementing the songs, though. It's not just all blasting, he varies his parts, they evolve and push the song. I say secret weapon, because they weren't nearly as dynamic with their old drummer. Tracy is a great listener, probably the greatest thing any musician can be.
Most of their output makes me want to punch Mike Ness in his perfectly coiffed, sideburned face. The exceptions are Mommy's Little Monster, and White Light White Heat White Trash, which seem to be the least reliant on flogging that "punky rock n' roll rockabilly" vibe.
It always seems to me that he's making movies so he can talk about how much work went into some inconsequential piece of set dressing on the bonus dvd.