
Sonic Youth. Every year I dig out their entire discography and get to work, figuring maybe this is the year I get it. And I never do. I love noisy, alternate tuned guitars, I like feedback and noise, and I LOVE Fender Jazzmasters. On paper this is my band, but in reality, it just never clicked.

I've always said he was the best thing to happen to them. He is a near-perfect combination of great tempo, and very musical. People fail to realize how hard it is to find a drummer that is truly serving, and lifting the music. He crafts some really great, evolving parts.

*golf clap*

I've always found the biggest argument against deafheaven to be that they are, for all intents and purposes, a black metal band that look like a bunch of Brooklyn hipster dandies. They could all dress like Abe Lincoln in Kiss makeup and still be an awesome band. They are tight as fuck and write interesting songs.

I need to give it a few more listens, but so far, I'm really liking it. I'm loathe to immediately put it up against Sunbather, as that one really blew my head off and I've listened to it so much that trying to compare them after a few listens seems like a losing battle.

Regardless of whether or not they are fake, it's probably stupid to call people faggots in a public setting. On the other hand, he's a kid in a band, not running for president, so some dumbass exchange with some friends on twitter is hardly damning evidence to prove he's a homophobe. I've been following him forever on

Most any genre or era purist is the most annoying person on the planet. I frequent a fairly popular guitar forum that is overrun by middle-aged, khaki pants wearing blooze lawyers that scoff at anything that isn't the blues, mostly blues based, or made after 1973. They get their khaki diapers in a bunch at any

Classic Pete.

I saw that tour in Providence, RI. I hadn't really heard much about LB, but I thought the guitar player was interesting and other than that it was pretty terrible. Right down to the "fight" with the guy in the front row that I always suspected was staged.

Even with the internet making live shows available with zero-effort, I still have a giant soft spot for old bootleg recordings. Phone cameras YouTube have made it all so commonplace, but a scratchy audience recording of a Led Zeppelin show from 1977 still has a certain mystique to me.


Feast your ears on THIS Spin Doctors mix, Beatles!

I remember buying this the day it came out, as I was HUGE fan of the first album. My first reaction was "wow this is NOTHING like the first album…at all." and by the time the album had ended my feelings went from skeptical to "holy fuck this album is really, really good."

I honestly never liked the Black Album all that much. At the time I was way into proggier stuff and Justice was definitely off in that field.

The "Train Song" bit always gets me.

I don't care if I'm a week late on this…but the moment on Fn'P where he halts Foam Corner and announces the return of Jack from the Lumberyard kills me every time I hear it.

Give me a break.

The technical aspects of recording this album are pretty crazy. Even crazier when you consider it was done in 1994.

I think DV is probably one of the most left-field, challenging albums to ever come out on a major label. The fact that Warner Bros. put that album is baffling, even by the 90's standards where majors were signing basically anyone with noisy guitars.

That's Blackie Lawless.