
Stadium Arcadium has maybe an EP and a half of non-filler on it, IMO.

Thanks to Anthony Keidis, my go to rhyme with "State of Wisconsin" is "my johnson".

I'm in a definite minority for liking that album. It kind of misses the mark in a few places, but it wasn't BSSM Pt. 2, which they could have easily done, and it's one of the last RHCP albums to not be completely overrun with Anthony's retarded "WICKY ICKY DOO DANG STATE OF CALIFORNIA" nonsense. He's seriously one of

Scream Dracula Scream remains one of my top 3 favorite albums of all time. It's just that fucking good.

I try to confirm all of my medical inquiries via Cracked, as well.

I disagree with about half of this list. The inclusion of "I am the Walrus" makes me sad.

I'd like to hear them re-recorded…with Dave Lombardo.

Some Kind of Monster is my favorite unintentional comedy this side of Purple Rain.

It's kind of a sonics thing. I really feel like the "Bury Jason to haze him!" thing is more folklore than actual truth. Yeah, you can't hear the bass, but tonally, he had a kind of scooped out tone similar to James' guitars, and played exactly what he played. The result in mixing is that you can't really have the two

Another inside job by the Star Whackers. Someone get Randy Quaid and his insane wife on the phone…

Middle aged men in tan pants with $5000 Lucille copy guitars are so bummed right now.

There is nothing uncool about Dio.

Pretty cool. Joan Jett is amazing. Long standing crush.

Works on contingency? No! Money Down!

I'd be willing to forgo about a half hour of that list just to have their live cover of Cortez the Killer on there. Seriously that song is tops.

So there's no more dvd's. You guys start a Simpsons Channel and you've earned $20/month of my money until I die.

The first half of the Zwan album definitely doesn't deserve the raging hate that album gets. It's a solid bunch of songs, and ultimately a tribute to the moment where Billy Corgan's ego finally swallowed him whole. Because who hires Dave Pajo AND Matt Sweeney to play guitar with you, then buries them completely in the

I truly believe that someone should have either assassinated Dave Navarro or sold him a bad bag of smack in 1991. Knowing what an unrelenting douche he became in the following years really makes looking back at the first three Janes albums that much sadder.

That fucking song is the go-to for every half tipsy girl at a karaoke bar who thinks they can kind of sorta carry a tune. Every fucking time.

"Guys this is…er…"U" Dawg, T-Dawgs long-lost, and until now, never mentioned twin brother.