
Him and pots and pans hitchhiker guy from a few seasons ago…they live on in our memories.

Morgan stole that whole episode right from the opening.

Gotta love the fact that he can laugh at himself.

90 minute finale leading up to the end of season cliff hanger where we reveal Deanna's husband to be….

The little bits of humor were a welcome addition.

The Walking Dead, S.1 - 3: Black Guy Highlander.

Oddly enough, I never really doubted Dig. It isn't hard to believe that the Dandy Warhol's (and especially Courtney Taylor-Taylor) were that narcissistic and intolerably shitty, and that Anton was entirely that insufferable. The scene where the Dandy's crash the BJM house for their photo shoot so they can appear more

At the end of the day, though, the movies aren't anywhere as good as the series of books they are based off of.

It was Florida. So no doubt they are dead.

I caught them for the last time on the first reunion tour in Boston, with Marc Ford back in the band and they killed. For that matter they killed on the Three Snakes tour I saw them on before that and positively burned the joint down when I saw them on the Amorica tour. Great players across the board during their Marc

While not as consistent, in a lot of ways this album is more my favorite than Wolves. "Hoover St." and "Black Lung" are both awesome songs.

Nothing quite says American TV quite like trying to explain the existence of this show to someone.

We start with the best part, the neck.

Whoa, whoa…slow down egg head.

My parents let me watch it, but didn't care for it at the time.

The sheer number of Beatles references always makes me smile when I see this episode. The nod to Paul writing "Yesterday" with Homer's "something something Burt Ward…this practically writes itself!" is so good.

Bro, don't downvote the dog.


Cool Story Bro moment: I was spending a lot of time in Providence, RI around the time he was hiding out there, just prior to turning himself in for his warrant in Jersey. Some friends of mine from a band there were having a party at their band space and he turned up. Well, the junkie that USED to be Jason Mewes was at

Excuse me…it's BOTH.