
Here in the states we just call it a latte.

Still…you'd think he'd have noticed the guy still breathing. Usually a good indicator of not dead.

The T-Dog: just a regular old cheeseburger, served with no backstory or character development.

Now…do they learn a thing or two from the farm and Woodbury, and stick to the comic and end this fast, or do we get 5 weeks of talking and bumble-fucking around before anything happens?

A few things that had me curious:

At one point in the boxcar, I was waiting for Carl to say "that's not science…that's from a video game I used to play!"

If he skipped on her that would just be mean…with her having one bad leg and all. At that point, he's just mocking her.

Talking Dead begins and ends for me with the episode that Marilyn Manson was a guest on. Hardwick's contempt for him was so obvious toward the end that it was amazing.

18 Miles Out is amazing if only for the extremely subtle way of showing how Rick and Shane are at a crossroads by having them fight…AT A CROSSROADS.

A phone, an iPod AND a Bonesaw. Phone. iPod. Bonesaw. Are you getting it??!!??

It all sounded like a load of load of empty bullshit he cobbled together from video games and wikipedia, to be honest. He should stick to being quiet and looking like Bill Hicks.

Carol: "Um…no. They were with *mumbles*grmmmfnljlafjlsf*mumbles*"
Rick: "Uh, you just sort of trailed off at the end there…"
Carol: "Yeah…yeah, I did, didn't I?"

Yeah they had a moment right before they offed poor hippie guy.

He was a good lawyer. Specialized in Maritime. Got me out of a few jams back in the day.

Same place I got mine: Hollywood Upstairs Medical College.

Wrestlemania 2's Hart Foundation vs. the British Bulldogs, and 3's Steamboat vs. Savage are probably 2 of the best all time matches every put on by the WWE.

AV Club pans Kevin Smith movie, no one gasps in surprise.

Hot for Kevin Smith.

Upvoted for the Billy and the Boingers reference.

Seeing them on their first tour with Mike Watt was amazing. Half the people there had no idea the drummer from Nirvana could sing and play guitar, or even had a new band. The first two Foo's albums are awesome. What they've done since will never change that.