
Mark Bowen, off the first album, is awesome. It was cool to see them do it live with Chuck at one of the reunion shows.

To borrow from a person I can't remember who is far funnier/clever than I am…I wish Henry Rollins would stop pretending he's a journalist, and go back to what he's put on this earth to do: talk about bands on music documentaries while sitting in front of his record collection.

Walla should make an entire album with J. Robbins. Their collaboration on NPR's Music Project Song was outstanding.

As Nigel Tufnel once said, what's wrong with being sexy?

Don't encourage Billy Corgan, please.

Celine Dion's boner-destroying cover of this song is really all this article needed to make it's point. So many wasted words.

This definitely lacks the subtle wit of, say, "Big Balls".

But, sir…

There isn't a lot of what he does that doesn't make me laugh. He's a genius.

It's so good in a trainwreck sort of a way.

Billy Corgan occupies a rare space in my musical tastes where I find him insufferably annoying as a person, but I'm totally enamored with his guitar tone. It's that good.

Yeah this song was huge at the time. Looking back it's easy to see that they were really the first crappy stop on the Vedder/Staley soundalike train that eventually got us to Creed and Godsmack.

The 90's were a real hotbed of insightful lyrics.

"It’s like, why are you yelling at me?"
Her brother is the guitarist in United Nations. Now there's a good band to get screamed at by.

That picture is amazing. It looks like, in that very picture, that he is suffering from the burning molten lava shits you get from a White Castle experience.

And I'll tell you what you can do with your freakin' sodi too

Pssssh…my band is going to release a Double EP box set of tabs scribbled onto napkins.

Jerry never really did figure out how to work a funny date rape bit into his act.

George's mom seems vaguely racist in the same way my grandmother was. Ultimately not done in malice, but more a product of their time who just doesn't seem to know better.

That's the worst name i've ever heard.