
I always found it a bit revisionist to call Soundgarden a grunge band. Before there was such a thing as grunge they spent time touring with bands like Voivod.

Rest In Peace, Hollywood. I'll always remember you as the fashion inspiration for Chuck Mosley.

Is there anything Diamond Dave WON'T do?!!?

I can't fathom giving Willie a C+ for anything, except maybe paying taxes.

Hello, anustart.

What? The best part was when Chris (arguably the genuinely nicest character) started to hate him, too.

Toby did start to get Uncle Touchy creepy with Pam for a bit there, which made it awkward to like him too much.

There's a food truck by my office called "Pennypackers" that is all about Seinfeld references. The tip cup says "the Human Fund" on it, for starters. The food is excellent as well.

He was fantastic in the Social Network. He really made you believe he was Jesse Eisenberg playing Mark Zuckerberg.

"Open up Lemon, I can hear you singing 'Night Cheese!'"

having recently seen Beware of Mr. Baker, I can safely say that he did nothing gingerly…except maybe be a ginger.

Baker also did some recording with PiL, and Masters of Reality was pretty cool.

Ginger Baker lately.

Hell, play anything IN 4/4 and you've got a shot at confusing poor Lars these days.

To be fair, ZZ Top is a far better band.

I'm just going to say it. The most clever thing about this band is that the black guy in the band (the bassist) is named White.

I fully blame David Carson for inspiring a lot of terrible 90's design.

It blows my mind to look back on that time and realize that Prodigy was HUGE. Fat of the Land is a pretty fucking good album, to be fair, but that was mainstream music. The 90's were fucking cray.

Sounding like Steve Miller is never something a band should aspire to.

The extra $5million can be attributed to the fact that, like most drummers, he also delivers pizza on the side, and doesn't pay rent because he sleeps on Mike Dirnt's couch.