
Have we learned nothing from the Ramones' disasterous off-off-Broadway musical "The Ramones Leave Home"?

I was mostly just looking for a place to make a jazz hands joke.

It's laughable because any band choosing to trade under the genre of "punk" would never in a million years make a broadway musical. Once your message has been set to the backdrop of dancers doing jazz hands you've basically ceased to be relevant.

I have to say, though, that if anyone is going to properly express the plight of the sort of lower-middle-class family who were expected to get on their knees and thank George Bush for the $300 tax surplus checks he sent out to stimulate the economy, it would have to be a guy in a mainstream pop/punk band with a wall

Considering most of the albums a "punk purist" would claim to love are pretty terrible from an audio quality perspective that'd be an awesome lesson in self-loathing.

Pfft, I'm down with the REAL stuff. Like…Rancid.

Eh…Apple fanatics and audiophiles are far worse.

Insomniac. It's basically perfect, every song on it is really good, and they've never really topped it. It's better than Dookie by a country mile, and Nimrod is probably second to it as far as songwriting goes. It's not as consistently good, but the best songs are really really good.

I'm astounded that anyone paid attention go Green Day after Insomniac. For my money they've never really topped it.

Who knows? But they do, and they argue it fervently until they are blue in the face. Maybe it's because I was around before cellphones existed, and the ones that did find their way into popularity were crappy from both a UI AND a hardware perspective. I remember the first iPhone being introduced and thought "FINALLY.

John Paul Jones is amazing. If you've never heard Zooma check it out.

A trip to Engadget's comments section says "a lot".

I love Apple stuff. Work buys it for me, and I essentially get paid to use it. How's that for brand loyalty?

Noting amuses me more than watching a bunch of assholes bickering at each other about a fucking phone.

Even in my zep phase I didn't think that. Of course I had also just discovered King Crimson, and frankly, it's no contest for me.

yeah, it's still sad to watch though.

It also has Randy Watson and Sexual Chocolate, so it gets a pass.

As an actor, I definitely agree. I was speaking more to his work as a comedian (stand up and sketch comedy).

God, to remember a time when Eddie Murphy was at the top of his game and one of the absolute best comedians on the planet. His work from SNL up through Raw is so good. It really bums me out when I see him these days.

He hates "Hey Jude"?