
I will not stand by and allow "The Wizard" by Black Sabbath to be disparaged like that. I just can't.

On one hand, I can barely stand to hear anything from the standard issue classic rock radio Zep canon (Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir (gag), Living Loving Maid, Stairway, etc), but I'll never tire of songs like "In the Light" or "For Your Life".

I'm going to go out on a huge limb and guess that Coolio isn't exactly well versed parody vs. satire OR the ins and outs of copyright law. I once saw the guy try to cheat on a episode of Chopped for christ's sake.

Oh I'm not offended. I'm a fan of his like most casual fans of his are fans…he seems like a nice guy who can play guitar really well and has a affable sense of humor. It's hard to hate that.

Do I need to show my work?

I've got two words for Don Henley: Joe Fuckin' Walsh.

It's scientifically impossible to hate Joe Walsh. Also the riff to Funk 49 is pretty awesome.

is your avatar you dressed as Dr. Rockso? Because if so, then my hat is off to you.

That's kind of what I'm saying. At this point if you haven't purchased it there are tons of other places to go hear it, and for the most part, you're going to hear everything you need to hear from that album on the radio to an alarming degree.

I didn't realize that this shooting became a government conspiracy already. That was fast. Say what you will about the tinfoil hats, they get shit done fast.

It's either government conspiracy/tinfoil hat theories or links to tea party/libertarian sponsored "research" that shows how people on welfare actually make $75k/year off the system and eat lobster for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I'd advise not to try and think too hard into this. The rabbit hole of crazy these sorts of things send you down are exactly what those conspiracy theorists want you to do. They are discussions rarely rooted in any sort of logic.

Ugh. Every time I'm reminded that Mo Tucker is a crazy Tea Party ranter I get a tiny bit sadder.

Honestly, I'm amazed that anyone in 2014 feels the need to purchase this album. If you haven't by now, what's the point? You've basically heard all you really need to hear of the Black Album played on any rock station about a million times over.

Kudos to the sculptor who managed to make a leather handbag look so much like Billy Idol.

Enough to get the job done, if you know what I'm sayin'.

I can't even begin to explain the awesomeness of this Futurama reference.

They were never going to win anyway. They put out Pop and got crucified for it. Had they just rehashed a previous album people would have been up in arms over the fact that U2 didn't break any new ground. I may not love the album but I at least respect them for going for it.

AIDS is pretty funny when you tell the jokes with an Irish accent.

I don't hate it, but I don't love it. I seem to remember not being all that surprised by it following Achtung Baby, and the ZOO TV stuff from that tour that followed. It wasn't as big a leap as people make it out to be now. It was pretty obvious that they were going there.