
not to mention incorrectly assuming that Sting, despite being an absolute top-notch songwriter and musical talent, isn't also a bit of a windbag.

I hear you. I'm not saying his life isn't interesting…but at this point I guess I am out of the loop as to his cultural relevance. This doesn't exactly scream box office smash.

I guess my first question in all this is who the hell is clamoring for a movie about Greg Allman and why does it involve an action sequence on train tracks?

Well played, sir. Well played.

Yeah but that was more because Richards wouldn't let Berry film him pooping.

Don't be. There's still time to change the road you're on.

I have no idea what's going on here but I'm seriously intrigued.

You play the ball where it lands in 7th grade when there is a chance to indirectly cop a feel on a boob.

This rule applies to AC/DC and the Ramones, but few others.

*slow clap*

It's no "Lick My Love Pump," that's for sure.

The most notable thing about this article is that picture of John Paul Jones playing a super rare Fender V, a totally rare 5 string bass for the time.

Ok how about this…

I always express my pain by paying another person to write it for me.

Not having seen it, I'm going to take an educated guess that she played a 9 armed octopus, and then collected the audience's hopes and dreams into a series of ornately decorated jewelry boxes that she then shot into space with a rocket made to look like happiness.

To be fair to Jane's Addiction, the not remembering they were performing is plausible, what with the excessive heroin use and all…

You'd think so, but it's mostly that I think Clapton sucks because…well, he sucks. Sorry to burst your bubble.

coming from a guy named Sentient Beard really underscores the perfectness of it.

The unaired episode of Prodigy: Unplugged is mostly just a lot of cuts of that one guy who looks like Daffy Duck dancing and making funny faces while the rest of them stand around looking bored.

It actually really is, with the added bonus of being done before Plant's voice was so shot that LZ had to tune down 3 steps for him to sing the material. Also bonus points for having Porl Thompson of the Cure in the band for that show.