
This guy was using harassment and intimidation techniques in front of the police and with their protection, he needs someone to intimidate him in the very same fashion not some sweet church ladies singing at him.

That was my biggest takeaway from the doc. Yes, mothers were failing their daughters, but the sheer number of men who kept quiet (and let’s be honest — who were probably partaking in some of the spoils) was disgusting beyond belief.

R Kelly claiming Aaliyah lied about her age is like Jeffery Dahmer claiming the last body is his fridge was already cut up when he found it.

That clip is even more gross when you factor in all those loud ass grown ass men in the room with one girl who is barely a teenager.

“See, that’s the thing about racists. They crave expressing it any chance they get...”

To many words.

Racist Justin: “New study shows that chicken wing bone trash and watermelon rinds are on the rise in Greenwhich, CT after new influx of black people, as town becomes less recognizable and longtime residents feel unsafe.”

“Once outside he attempted to attack again and was dealt with accordingly.

But all fun & jokes aside...everybody needs to focus in on the fact that this predator wanted to attack this innocent woman so bad that he didn’t care about who he had to go thru to get to her. He did not care. He said he came in there for that she was his property. 

Wait... you’re telling me that it’s possible to deal with a big threatening person, who might be high on drugs, without killing them? You mean to tell me that this situation was dealt with accordingly, and that accordingly doesn’t have to include death?

That first clapback response was really beautiful.  I couldn’t figure out where the Cheese story was going and then, there it was.

Hotep plot twist: The school was in our hearts the whole time. Only those who truly overstand (and have donated enough to the United Hotep Weird Beard Fund) can get in.

So you’re advocating for a blatant con-artist to receive state funding and willing to overlook his views on sex/gender/orientation/class/religion/race even though they will be core tenets of the institution?

the ride-or-dashiki school nurse who vowed to one day Make Hotep Great Again....

Nat Turner’s real issue was that he wasn’t able to vet the sellouts who dimed him out to the white oppressors. He should have added them to his victims

Fureal. That statement was very telling.

He said the quiet part loud there. 

“I couldn’t control you,”

While I am proud of her for defending herself, I cannot believe the other crew members and managers just stood there and watched her get attacked 🤨!!!! I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, and was a manager too, and there is no way my 18 year old ass would have stood for that shit, and calmly spoken to a customer tha

Racist blogs written by fat, white heffalumps ARE NOT VALID OR RELIABLE SOURCES, YOU FUCKING UNEDUCATED CHILD!