I’m glad they caught her ass. Speaking of White People:
I’m glad they caught her ass. Speaking of White People:
Look Apologist Annie, if you want Fair and Balanced please return to Fox and Friends. We’re here to marvel at how a woman who looks like a possum with a rotted pack of chiclets stuck in her gums could possibly harass someone else based on how they look. If you take issue with an attempt to find sarcastic humor at the…
About 2 years late there, genius.
Redneck meth heads are a real thing. And dangerous as fuck. (and quite honestly should be shot on sight as the rabid animals they are)
A woman who looks very similar to this woman (except dirtier and more meth) asked me where the chip aisle was yesterday while I was grocery shopping. I mean, I was clearly a customer, just like she, but somehow she thought I’d take time and attention away from my own tasks to help her. She was wrong.
Black folks are rarely afforded the privilege of self defense.
One of the best stories of the year and Amp is the hero we deserve.
Does that woman have two very large bottom teeth and no other teeth?? I haven’t watched any video yet. I’m just working from the header, but goddamn what a way to ring out the year.
Really loving these stories! Thank you!
Upon second reading, I m picturing this whole story like a 1990's version of The Andy Griffith Show! With Michael as Opie, running around the country town, fighting with his sisters, having parties at the funeral home, visiting Short-Foot Joe’s Barbershop, scrappin’ down by the ditch bank. Good old-fashioned,…
these stories are everything... sounds like a fun filled childhood...these stories sound like a tv coming of age episodes lol.. and all this was just Kwanzaa!!!
Yellow-ass pants?! Oh your mother knew she was wrong for that, which is why you didn’t t get a whipping. But congrats on your rep; you earned it just by showing up!
As a white person,i totally agree with you both. The security guard is a poor excuse of a man,as is the one who called the cops. This PAYING gentleman of a guest showed MORE restraint than I & most would’ve under the circumstances.. AND should sue Doubletree for defamation,all they’ve got etc! Their PR TALK is cheap! A…
Or they totally understand, and call the cops anyways knowing it could be an immediate death sentence, because they are racist fucking monsters.
They will definitely work in hospitality again. Racism in hospitality is not an anomaly, they just got called out on it and acted like it was a one time thing.
I actually worked for the Sheriff’s Office in my town.
Yes eventually it became clear he was a paying guest but he stubbornly remained black.
That got me, too. How could he be trespassing with a room key in his hand and his luggage in the room? Presumably, his name was in the system; did they check that?
Wait... so they escorted him to his room to get his things? How do they use trespassing as an excuse after doing something like that?! He was obviously a paying guest at that point!
Good. Calling the police on a person is exactly like pointing a loaded gun at that person.