This spectacle of ultra cooning was nauseating and added tremendously to the stress that we as Black people are already under. Expect the killings to continue. Now while you’re in your home “relaxing”.
This spectacle of ultra cooning was nauseating and added tremendously to the stress that we as Black people are already under. Expect the killings to continue. Now while you’re in your home “relaxing”.
So impressed with these two (and Serena as well) for not allowing the haters to dictate how they treat one another.
I can’t stand Whoopi. She’ll start cooning in a minute. We have a Klansman and incompetent fool at the wheel and she’s worried about whether people know who his supporters are? She needs to retire.
You’re STILL letting them off the hook Michael. These folks have seen the barn burned down repeatedly because the door is left open yet they continue because sometime at some level they WANT the burn down.
That stripper, hoe is no better than Trump, possibly worse.
Viola has one of the most shapely and strongest bodies in Hollywood., along with beautiful skin. I think this was a good choice. I just hope she doesn’t walk the way she did in “The Help”. God I hated that movie.
Laughing at falls is not something one usually does after the age of 30. Not funny. I’m also not a fan but still hope he’s not hurt too bad.
I want to print these clapbacks out frame them, and hang them on the wall. I love ‘em.
Biden looked and sounded old (despite the surgery and his desperately strong desire to seem youthful and cool). He comes across as mentally sluggish especially contrasted with Kamala. Kamala looked strong and sharp.
These racists sure do have an obsession with Black sexuality.
I agree, Bernie and Kamala can be most forceful against Trump, maybe also DeBlasio. I don’t think Warren could do it.
The rest of the world is now mimicking the U.S. cops. Figured they might as well not just quietly take sides but join in on the abuse.
Wow. I’m extremely impressed with the post pregnancy ab muscles on display. Go Serena! With your bad self!
This has got to be the most adorable picture of the year. Sasha is absolutely gorgeous and the young man, so handsome.
Lol. So it’s NOT just me. I do spend free time googling people’s babies. They’re just so cute and relaxing. Olympia is a favorite.
“If you don’t think there is a conspiracy, then one must believe that the advantages whites receive in mortgage loans, auto loans, car insurance, income, bail, sentencing, education and almost every quantifiable thing in American society is a coincidence, in which case you are—at the very least—a blind, ignorant,…
Never for one minute did I think Jussie was lying. The Chicago Police Department along with the white supremacist forces behind them however, have zero credibility and are capable of any racist scheme and hoax one can imagine.
Can’t understand why folks put ANY faith in any statement coming from the Chicago police department from the get go.
Wow, I DID need that. That woman makes me want to get back in the gym.