
I personally do not think it’s “misuse” but I definitely have hauled some things in the Corvette that I don’t think the average Corvette owner has...

The lame part of this approach is that it let’s everyone else have the fun out of buying toys for your little one. We are in the same boat, our almost 1 year old son gets so much stuff, next week is his birthday and then xmas and I am sure he is going to get waaaay too much (hes the first grand-kid on both sides of

Disagree, our humble small cars and coffee has had issues with people leaving too quickly/loudly/dangerously, and we don’t have anyone standing around with cameras outside the exit. Some people just can’t help themselves.

I love reading the thoughts of another mixed individual. I have to say, as a mixed person (I am white/Hispanic not white/black, just to make that 100% clear) I had a tinge of disappointment when President Obama identified as black instead of mixed race. Mostly because I wanted him to be the first Mixed Race president.

Not debating that it was LaVar Ball’s decision to pull his son out of college... but as an adult, could LiAngelo have gone against the wishes of his father and stayed in school?

To be fair, most cars tanks seem to last a lot longer for the first half, I think it has to do with the float used to measure how much gas is in the tank. When the tank is full the float is submerged, and when it starts to empty, it takes a while before it gets low enough to start reading less than full.

At least

Only people from the bay area consider Sacramento a “bedroom community”. Sacramento has plenty of it’s own stuff going on to need that association.

What does being “NorCal” conjure up to you?

Sorry, people from Sacramento consider themselves to be in northern California. We don’t identify as “central valley” even though geographically we are in the central valley because Sacramento has a connection to so much more than Ag. It’s just how it is. What part of Norcal are you in?

The struggle is real, but MTMHF hot take is just wrong.

Sacramento is not on the coast, but the valley divides California east and west, not north and south, so how can SF be in northern California and Sacramento not?

Sacramento is 100% culturally Northern California. Sorry, not sure how you are making that distinction but Sac is more norcal than the bay area even.

Exactly this.

but nobody calls it central California. If we divided the state into three sections, Sacramento would be on the edge of central and northern California. If you cut off NorCal above Sacramento, nobody would even know anything about NorCal, because there are only about 1 million people (out of 40 million people) living

Having lived all over the state, and currently residing in Sacramento, I have to disagree. Sacramento is definitely in the central valley, but it’s definitely also in northern California. Those aren’t distinctly separate places.

The turkey is often dry, but gravy helps, no rice ever
(but always mashed potatos), mac and cheese is not traditional but it is welcome (if homemade), green-beans are usually fresh at thanksgiving, but they are covered in Frenches fried onion and cream of mushroom soup (it’s as weird as it sounds), canned cranberry is

But have you tried making it? Fresh cranberry sauce is 900x better than canned...

No doubt, real cranberry sauce is about the easiest thing in the world to make, I don’t know why anybody eats the canned crap. Seems like a throwback to the microwave TV dinner era of food...

Yes, the nurburgring is the only way to prove a cars worth! NURBURGRING ALL THE THINGS!

It’s not like the 720S is just a drag only machine either...I think the comparison is valid.

Thanks. It’s been an interesting experience if nothing else!

Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve invested in the Track Dog Racing spec’d ultra-shield seats with their ultra low rail that has you remove the rear humps. It gets me under the roll bar without a helmet on...which is a start!